It's National Walking Month

National Trust walk leaflets for 8 walks around Avebury and Stonehenge

I'm trying something a bit different for May, by starting each day with a 20 minute walk. It's something I've thought of doing for a while, then I found out it's National Walking Month. It's time to stop thinking and start doing!

There's a nice leafy little route through our estate which takes around 25 minutes, so I have the daily satisfaction of beating my 20 minute target*. Around a third of the way is uphill, so it'll be interesting to see how puffed out I get at the end of the month, compared to now.

It may be a familiar route, but I've found some surprises along the way. There are English bluebells along the line of one of the old hedgerows, and I can see a bright red stripy Big Top over at Allington Farm from the top of the hill.

To help ring the changes from my regular route, I've also got details of the National Trust's Stonehenge and Avebury Walking Challenge. This is a series of 8 walks, ranging from 2 to just over 6 miles, or a total of 50 kilometres in metric parlance. It's a good excuse to explore these iconic Wiltshire landscapes from a variety of perspectives and viewpoints.

I have until the end of December to complete these walks, so I have a good incentive to keep going after May.

What's different in your routine this month?

* = 27 minutes on Day 1 and getting faster! It might be spot on 20 minutes by the end of the month...


  1. Reading this has made me feel quite nostalgic. I used to know the area well and loved walking and visiting the places you mention. We moved down here to Exmoor 9 years ago which is just as lovely but completely different.

    1. Glad you enjoyed your trip down memory lane. I do like the sound of Exmoor - I'd like to live in a place which had more of a view to it.

  2. Does walking up and down the plot count?

    1. Only if you do it continuously for 20 minutes!

  3. I'm quite a regular walker as it is (having a dog sees to that) and I'd really miss it if I didn't do it. As you say, walking means you find new surprises on even the most familiar routes. It's social too, sparking serendipitous conversations. And I find it great for letting my mind wanter and relax. Happy walking!

  4. I used to walk 1.5 miles to/from the station as part of my daily commute, but now I work from home that's fallen by the wayside. This has been a kick start to trying to incorporate a regular walk back into my routine. I have to say 100% of dog walkers say hello, the rest of the people I see tend to avoid all contact all together!


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