#mygardenrightnow - the garden's reality at winter's end

Summer and winter plot views at VP Gardens

It's time to reveal the reality of #mygardenrighgtnow and compare it with the photo at the top of the blog which was taken in the summer. You'll see I've not cut back much of my garden yet - that tiny dot of pink in my trug is the clue my secateurs are poised to start soon.

I used the trug originally to link my garden with my allotment and I've done the same this time around. I have the seeds I'm about to sow this weekend, some caliente mustard for green manure, plus my loppers and soft tie for finishing off my tree care.

There's quite a contrast between the two photos, but they also show I love my garden whatever the season.

#mygardenrightnow project badge
Now it's over to you ~ how's your garden right now? The weather is set to be quite wild this weekend, which potentially gives us some dramatic photos to look at. The wind was blowing a hooley before NAH took these photos, but for some reason it calmed down when he took them. I wanted my hair to be all over my face!

This challenge is designed to be easy to do, so you can be as quick as you like when taking your photo. Remember, selfies are great if you don't have your own personal photographer like I had, or you can show just a part of you in action in the garden instead. Be as inventive and quirky as you want.

My inaugural post has more information for those of you coming across #mygardenrightnow for the first time.

I've created a Mr Linky below for those of you with blogs to add the URL of your #mygardenrightnow post. Leave a comment with your URL if this isn't working - it's been a while since I set up one of these. I'm also going to see if the URLs from other social media can be added successfully - I'll let you know how I get on.

Update: Thanks for all your blog posts - they're a wonderful snapshot of our gardens at one point in time. I've also added lots of Twitter and Instagram contributions to Mr Linky and note you don't need an account with these applications to view them. I've also added a FB link from June, but I'm not sure if non-FB users can view her contribution - try it, it's worth a look as she's taken the trouble to make a video!

Note that you don't have to have a blog to take part, individual entries via whatever social media you choose are fine.

I'll keep an eye on the #mygardenrightnow hashtag on Twitter (via @malvernmeet) and Instagram (via @vegplotting) so I can respond to and promote your posts over the weekend. If you're posting on Facebook let me know via my Veg Plotting Page as these entries can be a little more tricky to spot.

Note that the Garden Bloggers Facebook Page and #gdnbloggers hashtag are also available for you to let everyone know what you've been up to.

It would be great if everyone participating can visit and Like/Comment/Share a couple of other people's photos to help share the love. NB posts which have nothing to do with #mygardenrightnow will be deleted from Mr Linky.

I'm looking forward to seeing what else you've come up with :)


  1. You have such a nice trug Michelle. I think gardens are interesting even in winter, when the bare bones are showing. And all the potential, of that dead foliage behind your winter pic - oh what it will be come summer! Loving #mygardenrightnow

  2. #mygardenrightnow is such a good idea, happy to take part. Should do again in early summer!

  3. My garden is going to pot this year I think, longing to get out there but on crutches so dare not at present

  4. Handy digits thanks to cousin. Hope your garden is blossoming today. London is full of blossom today!

  5. This is a great idea, Michelle - it will give people a good idea of what gardening in March is REALLY like! Mind you, a bit more cloud and rain (and mud) would probably be more typical... :)

  6. I climbed up the side of the house In order to do a quick video of my garden, hence no picture of me.... but there is a shadow....

    Think I'm best putting it up on Facebook somewhere...

  7. Nice blog - I've enjoyed getting out to my allotment this week - Spring really is on the way!

  8. I have just planted my onions, so my garden right now is dirt with nothing showing! Maybe I will have a photo to show next time.
    Have a great week-end!

  9. I couldn't have come up with a more typical garden view than this one..

  10. I've done mine on Twitter, with a link here, and repeated it on Facebook Garden Bloggers. Flighty xx

  11. Thanks for the inspiration Michelle. Now if only I knew how to share my post on Twitter. The old grey matter hasn't worked that out yet. Your trug looks most handy.

  12. This is fun! Thank you for arranging it all. I love your two photos and I am delighted to see that you don't cut back the plants until spring, Michelle. The finches were feasting on Monarda seedheads here just last week. It was wonderful to watch them. I'm off to have a nosy around other bloggers' gardens now...

  13. This is an interesting concept. I have added to your linky. It is fun to see your summer and winter photos. I wish I had a summer photo to show as well. Maybe next year. I laughed when you said that someone wanted the instant garden picture of summer during winter. What were they thinking? Maybe they can film you this summer and run it next winter.

  14. In time honoured fashion I wrote a piece with a few well chosen images....and then read the instructions. Well done Michelle for a great idea, it is fun looking at other folks plots.

  15. I love this idea, Michelle. It's good to see what other people are up to in their gardens

  16. There brief fulfilled complete with camera avoidance techniques.

  17. This is a great idea, thanks for hosting!

  18. Thanks for hosting! Groetjes Hetty

  19. This has been a great project Michelle. I've enjoyed seeing everyone's gardens at the end of Winter. Maybe this could be a quarterly project?!

  20. Wow! What a great turn out! It's been fantastic to participate in this event and see what everyone's been up to this weekend. Thank you so much for organising and hosting it. I hope we'll be able to do it again!

  21. Thanks to everyone who took part it's been such fun and I've written a thank you post to you all this morning :)

    Lots of people have said they'd like to take part again... I thinking about the possibility of making it a project for the Chelsea Fringe in early June. Put the date in your diary for that first weekend!

  22. Thanks for hosting this Michelle. I'm really enjoying going through the list and discovering all kinds of gardening blogs I never knew existed! I was rather late to the party - but enjoyed joining in nevertheless. See you soon I hope. I feel like I should really be having tea and cake with you at least every Fortnight ;) x

    1. I've missed you the past few weeks Karen!

  23. I've just snuck another garden post in under the wire - I couldn't leave the veg patch out! Pleased to see that you've left Linky open for now and looking forward to doing it all again for the Fringe. I've added a fair few other blogs to my reading list as a result of this, so thank you! xx


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