Garden Bloggers' Muse Day: Do Something Today...

Brent geese take flight at sunset at Keyhaven nature reserve, Hampshire, late November 2017.

"Do something today your future self will thank you for" ~ Unknown. This is a great quote for New Year's Day and the ultimate resolution!

Looking at the last few Muse Days I've posted, it's obvious I'm ripe for trying out new things, just like I was when I started this blog. I've signed up to try walking netball and Rock Choir already, and I'm looking forward to the Try Something New event at the Neeld Hall soon. I wonder if this is the year I finally pluck up my courage and go to the Chippenham Ukuleles sessions ('scuse pun).

Garden and travelwise, I'm looking forward to a trip to Ashwood Nurseries in February and the Garden Bloggers Fling in Texas in May. It'll be interesting to see gardens from a totally different climate to mine, as well as experiencing what Texas has to offer, Austin in particular.

I'm going to try growing Lithops from seed in Jane's Houseplant sowalong and my Flowers for Mum project is set to morph into Tomatoes for Aunt Gwen this year. More on those projects anon. Apologies if posts are a bit hit and miss over the next few months - family needs are a priority with our time being divided between Poole, Birmingham and here.

Despite personal circumstances I'm still looking forward to lots of positive things for 2018. Bring it on.

May 2018 be a good one for you dear reader. Are you trying something new this year?


  1. My main goals this year are health related.
    And my wish for you is a Healthy and Happy New year!

  2. Are you going with patient gardener to Texas I have just read her blog setting out her goals for the coming year and thatā€™s one of them

    1. Yes, it's the Garden Bloggers Fling that the USA bloggers put on each year and hosted by a different city... apart from this year which is the 10th anniversary and Austin gets to re-host again in celebration. I'm pleased because I missed it first time round and it was that which inspired the garden bloggers get together at Malvern in 2010.

  3. We are still working on our new garden, Michelle and I am really looking forward to this year getting more done. It's a chance to try out new garden ideas. On the allotment we are going to reorganise the fruit bed, moving the blueberries so they get more space.
    Best wishes for you and your family in 2018

    1. And goos wishes to you Margaret. I look forward to seeing how your garden and allotment grows in 2018!

  4. Oh that is an excellent quote to embrace for the New Year Michelle and I hope that it enriches your life. It was difficult being split two ways time wise so I don't know how you cope with a three way split. Look forward to hearing about all your adventures as the year unfolds. Ukulele playing looks fun - my U3A had a demo from our ukulele group at our Christmas social. We were informed that musical talent isn't essential. I'm hoping to get back to picking up a couple of activities that I've done in the past this year - namely digging out my watercolours and returning to Tai Chi lessons. A happy and a healthy New Year to you and NAH! xxx

    1. I'm trying Qigong next week Anna, which I believe is a form of Tai Chi. Looking forward to it!

  5. Ashwood nursery is, I think, one of the best in the country. Are you visiting on a day when Johnā€™s garden is open? It is an excellent garden, only open on certain dates for charity, these are usually on their website.
    Best wishes for 2018

    1. And all good wishes for 2018 to you Brian :) Great reminder re John's opening days for charity. I'm lucky enough to be going on a special visit arranged by the Garden Media Guild, though I'll make sure he gets a donation as well.

  6. We have a shiny new electric car - so that is a pleasant learning curve.

    1. I will need to replace my car soon - I don't know whether to go for a hybrid or electric...

  7. Happy New Year, Michelle! This past year was fraught with non-gardening obligations so this coming season, I'm really looking forward to a bit more time enjoying the garden and a bit less time playing catch up :)

    1. Happy New Year Margaret! Looking forward so much to seeing you at this year's Fling :)


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