Write Away: #SpringNatureDiary

St George's tulips on my patio

On Wednesday I took part in a project commissioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. They invited anyone and everyone to write a quick 150 word nature diary to mark this year's spring equinox.

Regular readers know I love this kind of project, reminiscent of the fun we had with #MyGardenRightNow a couple of years ago.

You can read my [lightly edited] entry below. 80+ submissions and photos from around the country are available here. It's a wonderful celebration of this year's arrival of spring.

How's spring (or autumn) looking in your neighbourhood?

Next door's magnolia

Today's dawn was special as the first chiffchaff of spring announced its arrival. It's a fitting way to celebrate the vernal equinox.

Nature's changing so fast now. The apple boughs have just burst into leaf and my herb bed tells me there'll be mint for our potatoes this Sunday.

My small urban garden is full of microclimates; demonstrated admirably today by my potted St George's tulips. Those by the house are in full bloom, whilst those further out in the garden - a mere few feet away - have barely a bud nosing through the soil.

My neighbour's generous with her magnolia. It drapes itself conversationally over our dividing fence and its pink flames fill my view; in flower a good 2-3 weeks earlier this year. I hope they're not caught by a late frost.

The blackthorn's drapes of delicate ballerina white warn it might be so.

Warning blackthorn blossom in our front garden


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