Flowers for Mum: The bouquet that keeps on giving

The generous funeral sheaf put together by Georgie

You may have spotted I've been a bit quiet lately. That's because my mum passed away a month ago and life's been quite hectic sorting everything out.

So here are my final Flowers for Mum, not grown by me this time, but by Georgie of Common Farm Flowers instead. When I phoned her to discuss what I'd like for the funeral, her first thought was flowers from my garden, but I knew these were unsuitable for what I had in mind because I needed:

  • Flowers important to mum in some way
  • Scent, because she reacted to that strongly in her final years
  • Organic because dad was a founding member and secretary of Birmingham Organic Gardeners
  • Cutting material so I could give plants in mum's memory to everyone unable to come to the funeral 
Georgie's flower preparation: early morning trolley in the shade and checking the final sheaf

We both got very excited talking through the possibilities and as you can see Georgie did mum (and dad) proud. I love these photos Georgie posted on social media which give you a peep behind the scenes: her flower trolley parked in the shade early in the morning, then Georgie checking how the flowers will look on the coffin. I'm especially pleased the sheaf was a colourful one as mum used to love looking at all the pretty photos in Garden Answers when I visited her.

It was no problem to collect the flowers after the funeral and as we left the chapel and I saw lots of sorry and soggy looking tributes lined up outside. It felt right to have mum's wonderfully scented sheaf to bring home. 

A selection a floral close ups prior to taking cuttings

Since then I've had a lovely time taking cuttings. Georgie had to prepare the sheaf in a slightly different way to usual, cutting the stems slightly longer and not so stripped of foliage. She also carefully instructed me to ensure everything had a good drink when I got the sheaf home so I'd have a good chance of getting my cuttings to strike. All looks good so far and some of the left over flowers are still blooming away almost a fortnight on.

Georgie also included lots of seedheads for everyone to sow or scatter in mum's memory. These are now in a vase in my study ready for me to package them up. I also had lots of herb foliage left over (mint, rosemary and bay) which I'm now drying for our winter stews. The mint is quite different to the Moroccan mint I have already and henceforth shall be called 'Georgie's Mint'.

We'll visit everyone in September around mum's birthday to raise a glass in her honour and to distribute her plants and seeds. This really is the bouquet that keeps on giving and I believe it's a wonderful way to keep mum's memory alive.


  1. My sympathies. Take care. xx

  2. Thinking of you.
    What a wonderful idea to do the flowers to keep on giving!

    My mother used to give her visitors a tussie mussie - a handful of whatever was blooming with herbs and fragrance. Now I try to follow her custom.

    1. Thanks Diana. What a thoughtful gift from you and your mother - I love the name tussie mussie :)

  3. I really wish I knew of someone, anyone, here in Austin who'd take as much care with flowers as your dear Georgie. I'm sorry not to be there to lend support, but grateful for the love and care others were able to extend. Much love to you, and know you're hugged in my heart.

    1. Aww thanks Vicki. We're lucky that the flower farming movement goes from strength to strength here in the UK :)

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you sad news Michelle. Georgie has indeed done you and your family proud. Flowers and seeds are a precious legacy. I know that you will probably still have much to do but make sure that you take some time out for yourself. Sending you love and hugs ((())) xxx

    1. Thanks Anna. I have indeed found I need time for myself - lots of distraction provided by good friends and NAH :)

  5. So sorry to hear of your loss. Gorgeous flowers and a very thoughtful tribute to your mother which will add to the lasting memories you have of her.

    1. Thanks Jenny, sorry to hear about your fall. Heal well and I hope you're soon back on your feet.

  6. So sorry to hear your sad news. Those flowers are really beautiful and what a wonderful way to have your mum's memory live on.

    1. Thanks Margaret. The bouquet is a wonderful lesson for me as well to ensure I can pick a little posy in mum's memory going forward :)


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