A Muse for National Poetry Day

Today is National Poetry Day and this year's theme is 'Truth'. I've chosen Rudyard Kipling's poem at the end of the Elephant's Child because its guidance helped me through most of my career. When I worked in IT I'd often write What, Where, When, How, Why and Who at the top of my notebook when I went off to meetings, especially at the start of a project. I was even given a nickname - Mrs Why - by my colleagues!

Before then I must have had them in my subconscious as a scientist, and I've since realised these simple words are at the heart of my blogging too.

Now they're worth bearing in mind when reading and watching anything on the internet 😉

I took the photo at the top of this post earlier in the year; staring out of our bedroom window to the birch tree at the bottom of our garden is where you'll often find me pondering... or day dreaming.

There's a display of poetry in Chippenham's shop windows today. I'll take a stroll into town later to see what they've come up with for National Poetry Day. More on that later...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Flighty, I had a feeling you might pop up on Poetry Day :)

  2. Mrs Why sounds affectionate, and a good way of engaging with people and issues.

    1. Exactly, Diana it was a good natured naming. We often laughed about it when I turned up for meetings :)


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