Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day: Hellebore Bowl


Hellebores in a bowl

I confess I find it difficult to cut flowers from the garden and bring them indoors, but after hearing Jonathan Moseley's inspirational talk at Malvern last year, I'm striving to change my ways. My first attempt is this bowl of floating hellebore flowers from the back garden. I'm so new to this game you can see I've pressed one of my cooking bowls into service in the absence of something more special. It doesn't really matter as what really counts is the result, where the beauty of the flowers is brought sharply into focus.

I have a selection of unnamed doubles in the back garden, plus a couple of H. ericsmithii 'Winter Moonbeam'. The latter are a little past their best, but show hellebores can continue to look good after then. I have some single flowered ones in the front garden too, but because that's north facing, they've yet to bloom. I don't know what they are either; they were given to me by a friend from choir, so they're probably seedling children from her parent flowers. I call them 'June's flowers' and I smile at her memory when I see them.

I plan to have my own cutting garden this year, all grown in pots in the absence of space in the main garden. It's an idea I've pinched from my dear friend Helen, who managed it perfectly in her small Toronto garden last year. I've had a delicious time choosing which seeds to grow for the tiny space I have - more on this project to come in future posts.

Have you tried a floating hellebore flower display? I rather like it!

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is brought to you by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. I've not tried the floating hellebore arrangement before although I have seen it, might give it a try, I only have a very dark variety that sits rather gloomily as the side of the summerhouse. This might just be what it needs 😊

  2. Michelle - Hellebores! We have very different climates, but I am looking forward to my first hellebore year - very soon, but right now we still have a little snow.

  3. Beautiful!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  4. When we sold the house in Chippenham we left behind a garden full of hellebores and so much more - breaks's J;s heart every time we drive past now and see how they have let the garden go...

  5. I have never grown hellebores, but they look beautiful in your bowl. I think they look prettier than on the plants, as you can really see them in detail. I didn't realize they were quite so pretty.

  6. I love your beautiful assortment of Hellebores. I have a special fondness for them too and have been growing them in my winter-spring garden for a number of years now. Happy Bloom Day!

  7. Great way to showcase Hellebore blooms as most of the time they are bowing down

  8. Beautiful Hellebores, It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here

  9. You have a lovely selection of hellebores. My cut flowers are at the allotment which doesn't feel as bad when cutting them.

  10. Oh yes, that really works! Hellebores are always looking down aren’t they, so it’s nice to see the intricacy of those flower heads - pretty!

  11. So pretty. I love displaying flower blooms floating in my milkglass vases and plates. These hellebores are stunning.

  12. How pretty! Whenever I try I usually add too much water and my hellebores get rather soggy and mangled as I try to fish them out and reduce the water level. I have seen photos where people have added glass 'pebbles' to the bottom of the bowl which adds an extra special effect.

  13. Thanks for your comments and compliments everyone and I hope it inspires you to try it. I like the idea of glass pebbles in the bowl Anna :) Mark, I think of you and Jane every time I go past that house.


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