Weekend Wandering: A new sculpture trail

The Westmead Owl

I returned to one of my regular walks last week and found a delightful surprise along the way. It took me most of Lockdown 1.0 to find Westmead's owl shown above as I usually walk on the lower paths from town instead of those by the car park at the top. I now marvel it took me so long because once you know where it is, you can't miss it! It's been joined recently by lots of other wildlife sculptures to form a trail through the newly planted woodland nearby. Luckily this time I've found them just as they're being installed.

Wildlife sculptures along Westmead's new trail

The robin was the first one which caught my eye as it's easily seen from the Avon Walkway nearby. I simply had to investigate and find them all, as were a family of four whose children were excitedly running to each new discovery as they found it. 

Not all of them are installed yet, so this is something to return to another time so I can snap all eleven. There'll be benches installed for us to rest and ponder the view and perhaps stay a while with a picnic. You can find out more about the scheme here. A path formed from easy-on-the-walking-legs bark chips leads to each sculpture, something I was grateful for as my walk morphed into the longest yet this year, at just under 11.5 miles.

It's a fine addition to the town.

Thanks to Wendy for this photo of me checking out the trail


  1. Oh what fun VP and what a welcome addition they would be to any town. A great photo of you and the owl in flight - it's feathers look most realistic!

    1. All the sculptures are made by a very talented guy in the gardens team at Lackham college. The photo was taken by my friend Wendy on my second visit last weekend :) I was back there today and a ladybird's been added.

  2. What a wonderful collection. I'd love a wooden sculpture in my garden

  3. Wow, these sculptures are absolutely magnificent!!!

  4. What lovely sculptures. They can make a walk much more interesting

    1. They do indeed - I'be been back several times already :)

  5. Yes a fine addition, just like a certain blogger I know... Fancy pants there VP as well!
    Where exactly is it in town?

    1. It's in the Westmead Open Space over at Pewsham. Well worth taking your dog for a walk over there and along the Avon walkway the next time you're in the area :)


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