Planting Hope

Planting hope in the shape of tulip and daffodil bulbs

Happy New Year! It's a gorgeous day here at VP Gardens, so I've been out planting hope in one of the large pots in my front garden. It currently has some deep red Alstromeria, which more than takes care of the summer, but I reckon these daffodil and tulip bulbs are just the thing for spring.

You may think these are rather late to plant, but I've checked the bulbs and they're still sound. Fingers crossed for some frosts and they'll still perform magnificently, though probably a couple of weeks later than if I'd planted them last autumn.

I've also looked around the garden this morning and there are plenty of signs of other bulbs pushing their noses through the soil. It's always a good time to do this when the nights are at their longest because it all adds to that feeling of hope. Let's face it we all need as much of that as we can get these days.

More floral hope can be found by taking part in this year's New Year Plant Hunt, which ends tomorrow (3rd January). Take part and you'll be surprised at how many flowers are currently in bloom, though the hope here is a double edged sword as the long term purpose of this project is to see how our flora is responding to climate change.

And if you ever get the chance to visit Austin, Texas, one of the highlights of your trip will be to go to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It's a wonderful place and together with the many verges stuffed full of wildflowers around the city, it showcases the legacy and hope she left for her home state.

What are your garden plans for the New Year?


  1. I'll have to check if we have any bulbs popping uo. I'm hoping for more bluebell flowers this year.

    1. I'm still getting rid of the Spanish ones! Luckily there are some native bluebells on our estate and plenty of bluebell woods within walking distance, so I won't feel deprived. My snowdrop experiments planted last year are looking promising...

    2. I planted English one so I hope that they settle in and multiply

  2. Most of my bulbs are in pots - bad gardener, forgets to water - but I have some green leaves poking thru. And one blooming Agapanthus!

    1. I can never get my Agapanthus to bloom!

  3. My new year plans are somewhat limited on the garden front - to sell it mainly - along with the house! Decamping permanently to Pembs. at least for a while. `happy New Year Michelle - the book's coming out in the spring!

    1. I thought you'd done that already Mark, and Happy New Year! You must tell a good place to go in Pembrokeshire as I'm looking into the possibility of a walking break with WI friends there


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