YAWA - Your Diary for March

Whenever I think of March, it's in the colour yellow. February's gloom gives way to crocuses, daffodils and primroses in abundance: even the cheery self-sown Lesser Celandine in my gravel path's a welcome sight. I was worried my daffodils might be too late to show you for St David's day tomorrow, but they're just beginning to flower - much later than last year. By the end of this month, I expect most of you will be fed up of the sight of them as we UK bloggers proudly boast about our sunny blooms - Carol, you have been warned!

Daffodils are found in the wild here in England, so rather than telling you about the cultivated daffodil festivals and walks around various gardens, I thought it would be a treat to show you some of the places where they're still found. First stop has to be the Lake District, to the place which inspired Wordsworth's famous poem, no less. Next, we visit the Malvern Hills, close enough to visit Patient Gardener for a cup of tea as well perhaps? They're also found in abundance near here in Gloucestershire, where they're celebrated in various events during March. Finally, UK Safari has a summary of places I've left out of our whirlwind tour, so you can seek them out for yourself if you have the time.

Dates of note this month:

6-15th March - National Science Week (harrumph, that's more than a week - Ed.). EmmaT's already blogged about a rather fab event at Kew. Unfortunately I can't go as NAH's whisking me away for the weekend.

13th March - Comic Relief's Red Nose Day. The biennial event where the entire nation goes ever so slightly bonkers. I'll have more on this later.

14th March - National Ideas Day. I have no idea what this is about ;)

20th March - Spring equinox, so we have as much day as night today - hurrah the lighter times have arrived! More information about equinoxes and solstices can be found here.

22nd March - Mothering Sunday and World Water Day. Here's the post I wrote about the latter event last year.

28th March - Earth Hour - vote for planet earth with your light switch.

29th March - The clocks go forward as British Summer Time begins. Am I the only one who's out of sorts for ages after this happens, in spite of the lighter evenings?

Have a great month everyone - if you've anything to add to March's diary, do let us know here at You Ask, We Answer ;)


  1. You can show all the daffodils you want, VP; we won't get tired of them! In fact, most of us in the northern half of the US will be envious--mine won't bloom till April probably. Thanks for the link to the Wordsworth site; that has been a favorite poem of mine...in fact, I used it last year when my daffodils finally bloomed:)

  2. Hello VP...Please show us the yellow! We never tire of yellow and golds...just toss in an occasional lilac or purple crocus and we'll be ecstatic! We are celebrating at C&L..Narcissus JetFire has opened today...and it is looking divine! Have a good evening!


  3. Oh, to be in the Lake District when the Daffodils are in bloom... (or to be in the Lake District at all). Daffodils? Bring 'em on! The more the better.
    I think the US could really use a Red Nose Day. I'll have to figure out to whom I should make the suggestion.

  4. A most informative post VP. Same fears here about whether any daffs would be out in time for St.David's Day but they just made it ! This year we are determined to visit the Lake District when the daffs are out.

  5. Red Nose Day takes me back. My ex and I were holidaying in England in 1999 in March, and happened to catch this on the telly. I think Lenny Henry was hosting it. I loved him in Chef! and also love his wife, esp. in Murder Most Horrid! (Sorry, this is the part I focused on.)

  6. I havent heard of that daffodil place though it sounds like it is near my parents old house. I know of some bluebell woods around here and also wild garlic woods which are fab but not daffodils.

    You are welcome to drop in for a cuppa if you come this way.

  7. Rose - OK - I think Muse Day will suit you right down to the ground then ;)

    Gail - don't worry, more yellow is on its way!

    MMD - Red Nose Day is to be thoroughly recommended.

    Anna - that will be lovely. We're hoping to go on a foray into Gloucestershire

    Monica - Lenny Henry's one of the founder members of the RND idea and is absolutely as is his wife!

    PG - Thank you!


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes