OOTS: Soft Landscaping Workshop

Palmstead Nursery are holding their 3rd annual soft landscaping workshop called Dynamic Planting for Public and Garden Spaces on September 22nd at the Ashford International Hotel in Kent. Timing is approx 9.30 to 16.00 (registration starts 9.00 am), costs £15 including lunch and there's a great lineup of speakers:
  • Matthew Wilson (aka Landscape Man) on how public plantings can be more dynamic
  • Sarah Price will give a sneak preview of the 2012 World Gardens for the Olympic Games on how they might impact on future planting designs
  • Andrew Wilson will look at the future of garden design
  • Bert Griffioen lends his Dutch nurseryman's expertise on sustainable municipal perennial plantings
  • Green Space's Paul Bramhill will discuss how the The Budget could impact our public greenspace
I attended last year's fantastic workshop (I posted about it here, which also links you through to my introduction and subsequent posts) where I learnt so much on the day :)
See you there?


  1. sarah price & bert griffioen sound especially interesting. too bad it's not a bit closer...

  2. Sounds like a fantastic event - i agree that Sarah's presentation about the Olympic flowerbeds will be really interesting.

  3. It does look like a really interesting event. I used to work at Palmstead when I was a student at Wye, many years ago. Took soooo many hardewood cuttings that I can't look at Berberis thunbergii at all anymore...

  4. Petoskystone - I'll be reporting on it, so hopefully you'll get the best bits

    Juliene - I'm looking forward to that too

    Landscape - they do like their cuttings don't they? I was told last year they're planning on quadrupling their output which will mean millions of cuttings! I wonder what impact the closure of Wye will have on their business? That was so sad.


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