Salad Days: Winning Salads

The gold medal winning display by the National Vegetable Society - I particularly like the 2 Olympic torches made  from tomatoes and chillies which are flanking the lettuces

Tonight the eyes of the world will be on London and the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games, so I couldn't resist showing you the above picture from last week's RHS Tatton Park Flower Show.

Keeping with the Olympic theme, what salad ingredients or varieties do you grow which are worthy of winning a gold medal? Or perhaps you have a favourite salad recipe which is a worthy contender? Do tell in the comments below, or compose an answer over at your blog.

Personally I'm awarding mine to the humble pea, whose many shoots have given me leaves for my salad since January and has also been a constant life saver during the wet weather.

Mr Linky is open below for your contribution, whether it's Olympic flavoured or another salad related tale you have for July. Do remember to add the full URL of your blogpost, rather than the overall one to your blog, so we can easily find your contribution when we come a-visiting.

I'm also looking for a couple of guest bloggers to write about using hydroponics or the hotbed technique, especially if you've used them for growing salads. Experience of any DIY solutions you've put together,  your pros and cons, plus hints and tips are welcome. Get in touch by emailing me at vegplotting at gmail dot com - it'd be great to add your knowledge to the 52 Week Salad Challenge :)

Our next Salad Days will be on August 24th.


  1. I think my favourite lettuce at the moment is salad bowl green - I do have occasional germination issues but the flavour, ease of harvest and the eventual growth rate all make it a winner for me. I haven't made a salad yet but I will make this weeks top 5 a salad days post and link next week.

  2. My favourites at the moment are red salad bowl and Tan Tan lettuce. I have been picking the red salad bowl leaves for weeks now, it just seems to keep on growing and it looks so pretty. The Tan Tan letuce is a little gem type from Unwins. It's resisted the slugs very well.

  3. There's a few winning crops in my plot at present which still produce well considering the constant rain and or frost.
    Parsley, Rocket and Chard !

  4. Lettuces are slow in our heat and the rabbits breached the netting and got my endive so no salads for me right now. I will have salads in August though at least I hope I will.

  5. Wished that I had organised myself to have got to Tatton. At the moment I'm enjoying cucumber 'Socrates' and have just started to pick the first of the tomatoes :)

  6. Liz - looking forward to seeing your post. Do come back and add your link :)

    Margaret - I haven't come across Tan Tan lettuce - must look it up as Little Gem is one of my favourites!

    Andrea - Chard seems to be pretty much indestructible no matter what the weather throws at it!

    Donna - that's a shame. I hope you'll be able to join in with a post next month.

    Anna - I like the look of that variety. Thanks for joining in this month!

  7. Hi Michelle, thanks for linking me up! I love the Oh Lympic Salad display. (I heard the cease & desist letters could get quite nasty :) )
    Apart from the weeds, I have had few champions in the leaves, except good old rocket - which is so dependable in any situation.

  8. ediblethings - no problem, it's always great to see your contribution :)


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