A Chance to Hear Charles Dowding

I received an email from Sy yesterday, who's asked for my help to drum up support for a talk by Charles Dowding. Charles is an excellent speaker and as the talk is at a not for profit organisation, I'm very happy to do so. Please pass the word around to anyone you know who may be interested. Here's what Sy has to say:


It’s so great to find someone that has met Charles, your blog about your visit to his farm is fantastic - it takes me straight back there. I wondered if you would be able to tell people about this talk on your blog for me. No one knows about him where I live - that’s why I wanted to have Charles talk to my community of grow your own enthusiasts.

Little did I know how hard it was going be to find them. Stockwood Discovery Centre [the venue] may even cancel the talk as they are a charity and will not be able to make a loss. The text below is the email I’ve been sending to everyone.

Thank you for reading this.

I run Sweet Pea Gardening Services and I have an allotment at Lewsey Leisure Gardens and I came across this website [Charles Dowding's] purely by accident. I joined in January 2012 and used the forum for advice from Charles (it’s all given free) and converted my allotment to no dig. The transformation is tremendous. No weeds and amazing veg.

So on the 30th July I went and worked for Charles for the day at his farm in Somerset whilst on my camping holiday in Dorset. I was amazed how healthy and productive his farm was and from that day on I have been voluntarily spreading the word and have managed to secure a fantastic venue - Stockwood Discovery Centre for his talk at 2pm on 13th November 2012.

Come early so that you can visit The Mossman Collection in the museum and to go the cafe and have a lovely coffee and cake after a walk around the beautiful gardens - even in the winter they look amazing. Then listen to Charles explain how it all works. Please can you forward this on to the people that you think would be interested and print a copy off and put it up on your notice board and try and get as many people to come and hear this inspirational speaker. 

Tickets are £4 each and booking is essential on 01582 548600. 

Are you free on November 13th and live near Luton? It looks a fantastic venue to visit as well as having the chance to hear a great speaker. If not, please help to spread the word.


  1. I'd love to go, but Luton's too far for me.
    I hope they find enough people- there must be plenty of people who'd be interested, it's just letting them know.

  2. Hazel - welcome! It's too far for me as well, but fingers crossed this helps to find more people who can go.

  3. Hi Michelle, Went to hear Charles Dowding talk at his farm earlier this year and my gardening methods have been revolutionised. No dig potatoes on top of grass year were fantastic! Have tweeted about his Luton talk. Hope he doesn't have to cancel.

  4. Hi Naomi - I've just seen your tweet and found your comment :) Thanks for helping to spread the word - as you're in London and probably have more readers based around the Luton area, I'm sure it'll increase the chances of the talk going ahead :D

  5. From Jan Willets via her email subscription:

    Thanks for that, have booked a place!

    It's always good to know when a post's been useful :)

  6. Charles is a good speaker. Found this very interesting about no digging http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxOL76ZbtT0&sns=em

  7. Hi there, If you want to publicise the talk through my site higgledygarden.com then feel free. Just send me a paragraph or two about the gig and I'll include links.
    Send to benranyard at yahoo .ca
    Best of luck...it's a great opportunity for folk. :)

  8. Anon - thanks for that. NB everyone the link is to the Horticultural Channel's feature on Charles Dowding.

    benjiboy - welcome! Thanks - like you I'm publicising the talk via my site. I hope Sy gets in touch with you.


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