GBMD: Birches

The birch tree from our bedroom window - Christmas Eve 2011
I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree,
And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk
Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,
But dipped its top and set me down again.
That would be good both going and coming back.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.

Extract from Birches by Robert Frost (1874-1963). The full poem can be read here.

Birch trees are one of the most commonly seen trees in the UK and it's no different here at VP Gardens. As well as the one on view from our bedroom window, our neighbours have 2 in their garden and we have another out the front. They add stature to our winter view both here and elsewhere on our estate.

In January it'll be the birch trees which will probably yield the most sightings for the RSPB Garden Birdwatch at the end of the month :)


  1. Robert Frost has such a wicked sense of humour - my sixth form English class laughed their heads off reading 'Birches' and 'Putting in the Seed'.
    Lovely picture.

  2. Birch Trees and Frost...wonderful poem and great photo...we have a few in the wild area.

  3. My favourite tree, I miss the ones from my old garden, and they are a rarity on Angelsey, at least this far from the straits. What a fabulous silhouette to see from your window at any time of year.

  4. Now birch swinging sounds as if it would be much fun VP. Fabulous trees - you're fortunate to have one in your sights.

  5. Pat - welcome :) I remember reading Robert Frost poems at primary school and it's been a delight to rediscover him again whilst choosing Muse Day poems.

    Donna - they're a great tree to have.

    Janet - it's also a fabulous tree to snooze under when the top patio's too hot in the summer ;)

    Anna - the local kids have made some fab swings in the local woods. It's good to see them outdoors playing rather than on their computers.


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