Wordless Wednesday: Pegging Out


  1. Cheerful! (If I tried to do something like that, the pegs would have fallen off in no time!)

  2. I use just plain ones to close the tops of bags, but aren't colored ones so much prettier!
    Happy Gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Lucy - thank you - cheerful was my intention :)

    Gaz - ;) Thanks for following :)

    Lea - we do that too - much cheaper than buying the bag clips!

  4. I have a borderline nice comment with a company backlink, so I've removed the backlink to leave you with the comment...

    Jan says:

    They look all rustic and lovely! Such nice block colours.

  5. I use pegs for all sorts of things around the garden but never thought to use them to close seed packets. What a good idea!

  6. hi - guess what? just got an email confirmation from RHS - I've got a press pass for Chelsea :-)I hope you got one too x Amanda x

  7. Peg....most useful around the garden, except the ones which blow of the line and into the awkward to get corners :)
    A very arty Wordless Wednesday!

  8. Margaret - these are teeny tiny pegs I picked up in a craft shop. I wish I'd bought more of them!

    Amanda - That's fantastic news :) I'm still crossing my fingers for one!

    Angie - you're right - they're used for a million and one things here :)


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