Wordless Wednesday: Autumn at Westonbirt Arboretum

Photo collage of the trees at Westonbirt Arboretum showing off their autumn colours


  1. Lovely pictures! Will post a link in my autumn colours post.

    1. Thanks Charlotte, quite a few people have galloped over to have a look :-)

  2. One of the best places to be for autumn colours :) Great shots!

  3. Marvellous pics, it's a great place to go.

  4. Wonderful colours. It's a terrific place to visit, especially at this time of year. Flighty xx

  5. Looking forward to going there next week with my children :) Am most definitely packing my camera :)

    1. Hello and welcome :-) Have a great time!

  6. Wow, breathtaking colour. I've enjoyed a couple of autumn trips to Westonbirt when my youngest two were at pre-school. It was a really cheap trip, I think it's probably too expensive for us now, but we really loved visiting together on the coach. Your photos are fantastic, no doubt you had a lovely time there.

    1. The entrance fee is on par with National Trust properties these days. However there was alot on when we were there which made it good value.

  7. Beautiful! I wish I'd been able to see it in person.

  8. Lovely photos, I' ve always wanted to go there in Autumn. Lucky you.

    1. I live just a few miles away, so yes I am lucky.

  9. Thanks for your comments everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos :-)

  10. Does anyone know more beautiful season than autumn ? Even though spring has such magnificent colors ... Perfect pictures!

    1. Thanks Jolanta and welcome to Veg Plotting :)

  11. We went yesterday - colour was glorious, but it was soooo crowded, not really ideal for me. Either it was much emptier when you were there, or you were very patient waiting for people to move out of your photos!

    We went to Batsford on Wednesday, which also has wonderful colour at this time of year.

    1. The car park was packed but people seemed to disperse so quickly. I suspect it'll be really crowded this week as it's half term. I went to Batsford in the spring and the leaf colour was pretty good back then too :)

  12. I haven't made it there this year, although frustratingly, I've driven past a couple of times on my way to do other things. Even from the road it looks amazing - and this has not been a great year for autumn colour. Thanks for the virtual visit!

    1. The Acer Glade in the old arboretum and the maples in Silk Wood are the places to go Victoria. There's a very interesting climate change experiment in Silk Wood too.


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