Remember Them

Early morning at the trials field at Mr Fothergill's this summer and the light was just right for highlighting the poppies they'd sown in tribute to the fallen and the centenary of the end of WWI.

Then a few hours later, my fumbling fingers just about managed to capture this happy juxtaposition.

A couple of Chelsea Pensioners are usually invited to Mr Fothergill's Press Day for the presentation of the cheque for the funds raised from their 'Victoria Cross' poppy and 'Scarlet Tunic' sweet pea seeds. 25p is donated per packet sold and over £70,000 has been raised so far.

We also learnt the traditional heavy scarlet tunic coat costs around £600 and is very hot to wear on a summer's day, especially in the hot spell we experienced earlier this year. It was one of those days at the trials field, but luckily it didn't dim the cheerfulness and twinkling humour of our two Pensioner visitors. The Royal Hospital Chelsea has launched the Scarlets Appeal, to raise funds for a new, lighter scarlet coat.

A day at the trials field is always an enjoyable and informative one. This year's was poignant too.


  1. So touching - I'm just sitting here in local coffee shop and the whole shop (which is always a boisterous place) just had the 11am moment of silence for the fallen veterans as The Last Post played. Brings tears to the eyes.

  2. Thanks for your comments everyone. As you know today has been packed with special commemorations to mark the centenary of WW1. I'm just back from one of those... a special performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion performed by the English Touring Opera company. I was in the chorus and so had the privilege of having members of the company singing just a few feet from me. I definitely had one of the best seats in the house, and it was a moving performance. Great to be actively involved in marking this most thoughtful of days.


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