Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day: First Flowers

The tiny ivy-like flowers of my mystery shrub

I have a small part of VP Gardens which I've mentally called 'foliage corner'. It's quite shady, hence its lack of appearance on previous Blooms Days. This year's different because there are some new flowers on the block. They remind me of the ivy flowers on the fence nearby and are around the same size.

Autumnal yellows contrast with the green foliage of summer

I lost this shrub-like perennial's label a long time ago so I have no idea of the name. It dies down each winter and re-emerges late spring. It looks like the supplier who gave it to me no longer has it in its catalogue: perhaps you recognise it and can let me know in the comments? Last week I admired the greenery of the leaves, then I turn my back for a short while and this happens.

The double terrace bed

At least when I look at the same bed from the opposite end I can kid myself summer's still here.

It's all a matter of perspective.

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

Update: by the power of social media, it looks like we have an ID😊 Aralia cordata aka Japanese spikenard, possibly 'Sun King'. It's also edible and it's a member of the Araliaceae family as is ivy!


  1. Beautiful garden...Happy bloggers blooms day..

  2. Your garden looks lovely! Enjoy your blooms!

  3. I do hate to be nosy, but are the three round, brown discs in the lower right hand corner a plant or some type of artwork? If it is a plant, I want one.

    1. Jeannie - it's a metalwork sculpture of a lotus aka sacred water lily. What you can see are the leaves and a seed head. The plant's latin name is Nelumbo nucifera.

  4. Michelle, thanks for stopping by my corner of Katy! You asked about the rain lilies blooming despite our droughty weather. They are indeed called rain lilies because rainfall triggers the blooms. We've gotten trace amounts of rain in the past couple of weeks and maybe that was enough? I do have an irrigation system and according to the University of Florida, irrigation can stimulate blooms, but not to the same extent as rainfall. Short answer: BEATS ME!

    1. Thanks Cindy, that's so interesting. I see someone else showing some photos of their rain lilies earlier this week, so now must be a good time for them :)

  5. Beautiful! September is a funny time of year. As you say, a lot of times we can fool ourselves it's still summer. Yet the signs of autumn creep in everywhere. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Francesca - I'm still trying fool myself it's summer, but 2 inches of rain this weeks says that autumn is definitely here.


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