How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

Since I re-designed my blog a few weeks ago, you may have noticed I've replaced my regular quiz widget with Black Boxes (on the left). I found it on Suburbia's blog when I was leaving a comment and I decided to add it here for a while for a bit of fun. I love inserting my own either/or questions and also seeing whose blog I end up at. It's often the same one, but that's not happening so much now - I suspect more bloggers are playing.

It also means the frequency of strangers turning up in my site statistics has increased lately. It's always worthwhile having a look at these sites, especially as you never know what bells and whistles they're using on their blogs which are a bit of fun or potentially useful. A few days ago I ended up at The Cow-Herd Speaketh!!!!, a blogger based in Bangalore, India. In addition to a very interesting article on Hinglish (the mixing of Hindi and English in India), the blog had a most intriguing widget - How Much Is Your Blog Worth? The value's based on the number of links and index listings a blog has, so older blogs and/or those containing more articles have a greater chance of showing a higher value.

This evaluation's from the more business oriented side of blogging and I suppose the sub-text is: the higher the blog's worth, the more potentially interesting it is to advertisers, the more chance the blogger has of making an income from blogging etc. etc. And of course it's just one of many ways of measuring a blog's "success", should you wish to do so. However, I do think it's a fun thing to have a look at and it does have a message for us all, even 'fun' bloggers like me: post frequently and with interesting content, and your blog becomes an increasingly useful resource, not only to yourself, but to other people too. Whether that can be measured wholly in dollars and cents is a different question. What do you think? How much is your blog worth using this metric (no need to say if you don't want to) - do you think that's a fair reflection of the amount of time and effort you spend on it?


  1. This is fascinating, VP! According to the tabulator, our blog, Poor Richard's Almanac, would support one but not all three of us! I recently read that no advertiser would consider supporting a blog with less than 70,000 unique visitors a DAY, though, so it's all pie in the sky, anyway. But as the ad says, opportunity to blog: priceless.

  2. Crumbs, that's a shocker - told the iGit and he said 'Dont be daft'!

    I have had more than one request to buy photographs from my blog though, the series I took at Mottisfont of the Plane Tree being the most recent.

    But would monetising it turn it from a fun hobby, into a chore?

    Hope you have had a fabby weekend.

    Zoë xx

  3. That was fun. I'm having a good laugh because my blog is worth absolutely nothing. Zilch. Nada. But, the enjoyment I get from writing the blog...priceless!


  4. Fun! My blog, according to that widget, is worth $7,903.56...anyone want to buy it? :-)

    I don't know why it's worth that much. Blogging for fun (but hoped that using ads would earn plant money -NOT)


  5. To me the value of Flighty's plot is considerably more than the near $12,500 that it is apparently worth! xx

  6. My blog is worth nothing!!! LMAO, I didnt know they were worth anything!!!

  7. I'm pleased to see that my blog is worth nothing ... in dollars. But writing about my gardening and other related issues can't be valued in this way, neither can life or gardening, and if my blog interests and entertains readers then I'm happy!

  8. hummm - well my "new" blog is worth nothing, and my old one is worth gadzillions - so what does that say, that I should have stuck with the old one! :(
    Fun VP, off to try it on all my textile blogs now.

  9. VP, I consider our blogs priceless. Weirdly my little batch of silliness actually showed some value. They must be confused.

  10. me and price-less to them! Now don't tell Mr. I~~it will make him laugh his head off! gail

  11. My blog is worth a big fat 0 but to me its worth loads.

    I like the Black box widget - am trying to load it on to my blog but as ever with Wordpress and widgets its proving difficult

  12. Yes, fascinating VP :-)

    I had to look of course! Some value it seems but my share holders (birds and wildlife) are not for selling! Me neither :-D

    Great posting and enjoy your new blog design. They are fun too :-D

  13. Of course I checked out the value of mine, all the time thinking there was something a bit "Antiques Roadshow" like about the process- you know, hoping to turn up a rare gem amidst the car boot rubbish.
    NBow, how to realise the cash and retire to the Bahamas : ) LOL.

  14. ooooo! mine's worth $4k! just think of all the plants you could buy with that...

  15. That was an interesting little exercise. It's a lot more than I would have expected, but a lot less than what I was making when I worked for actual money. Good for a laugh.

  16. $12,500. Or in reality, tuppence ha'penny. Good for a giggle though!

  17. Interesting -- my current blog, which is the same blog I've had forever, only moved over to a Wordpress template is worth zero. Soliloquy, as it sits on blogspot, is worth six figures that I could comfortably retire on...and it hasn't had a new post for months. I think it's all based on a Technorati rating thing. Seems a bit silly, doesn't it?

  18. Hi,
    This was fun. i can never resist stuff like this. My friend Pam sent me the mastha stewart 'what kind of Thanksgivingside dish are you? after questions it said i was mash potatoes with gravy!
    All very silly but fun.

  19. Most fascinating stuff. No I'm not in it for the money, I don't even have adds on any of my blogs. That is the way I like it.
    I'm just looking at Zoë's comment and it makes me smile.I learn new words and expressions every day...'Crumbs' and 'fabby weekend' it sounds so 'Brittish', I love it! / Tyra xoxo

  20. This was fun. :) I figure that since my blog is worth a big fat zero, I have nowhere to go but up! No biggie though. As my teenagers say, "I'm just in it for the lols anyway." Gotta show pictures to the fam up north so they actually can see the craziness that goes on here with the pictures to prove it. :)

  21. That was very eye opening-in a good way! Thanks for sharing that link, and it is interesting to note just how much the link creator's blog is worth too:)

  22. If it wasn't for my blog I would never get in touch with so many people all over the World who understand the sheer pleasure of digging holes in the ground. How can you put a price tag on that? Impossible!

  23. Well that was a bit depressing.
    My blog is worth $0.00 and, to add insult to injury, I was offered a widget to announce this rather shaming fact to the world.
    (and it just won an award!)

  24. Hi Zoe, I thought I had commented here but guess it didn't take. I did check mine out and like Nancy, the old blogger site is worth almost double the wordpress even though every single post and comment was transferred. There are no new posts on blogger either, not since September 7. Everything else is the same. Hmmm.

  25. Hi everyone - thanks so much for your comments and for making this my most successful post yet - in terms of both reading it right here and Picks on Blotanical.

    You've raised so many good points, it deserves more than me writing back to you all on here, so I'm planning a follow-up post next week. I'll link to as many of you as possible as a Thank You.


  26. Very cool site. Thanks a bunch!!!


  27. Hi Bluegrasshoopster - glad you like it!


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Jack Go To Bed At Noon

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VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

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Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes