A Study in Raindrops

Click to enlarge image if needed. Clockwise from top left: Spirea 'Goldflame', Berberis, Clematis, unknown alpine, fence & wire support, Cyclamen, Euphorbia myrsinites, Festuca glauca, cobweb detail

Guess what? I've been distracted by the garden again! Drizzly rain leaves the finest of raindrops everywhere. Magical - even on a dull day.


  1. These are lovely shots VP - There is something quite magical about raindrops and plants.

  2. Lovely! We have had a quite hard frost last night, I am hoping to get some pictures if the battery charges before the sun melts it all!

  3. Magical is a great way to describe your photos. I especially like the raindrops on the cobweb.

  4. Beautiful and colorful! Quite the display!


  5. Oh VP...they are fantastic photos...I love the beaded spider web...gail

  6. Raindrops certainly add that extra something to photos like these! xx

  7. Karen - that's a great compliment as I know you've had lots of practice taking great rainshots this year :)

    Zoe - Looking forward to seeing what you make of the frost - it can be even more magical.

    Joanna - thank you!

    MMD & Flighty - you're too kind!

    Cameron - it shows even a dull day can be good for taking photos!

    Gail - that's my favourite too, so it had to take centre stage :)

  8. These are all so lovely. I'm coveting that raindrop encrusted spider web - gorgeous!

  9. Hi Amy - we get so much rain I thought it best to celebrate it for once! Especially when it leaves cobwebs looking like jewelled necklaces.

  10. I love to see raindrops on petals and foliage.


  11. Hi Cameron - oh so do I - preferably when it's not raining though ;)

  12. What a sparkling collage VP - simply quite beautiful.

  13. Hi VP,
    I've been blog-hopping, from comment to comment...wow, it sure takes up time doing this (!). Anyway, since I'm here I thought I'd say hi...and tell you how interesting (and pretty) your recent grouping of photos looks! Such simple scenes in nature that we might otherwise miss, or take forgranted. Thanks for capturing and making such beautiful collage! Jan

  14. Hi Jan - thanks for your visit and so glad you enjoyed the show :)

    Helena - thank you!

  15. Anna - sorry to leave you out :(

    Glad you enjoyed the show - I loved your photos in my email BTW. Will get back to you properly later...


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