RHS Online Forum - Update

What an interesting morning that was! And I'm glad to see Arabella, Gary and NewShoot joined me for the debate. It would have been good to have had a few more there, but the low attendance is to be expected on a working weekday. It would be interesting to hear how it compared with other Q&A sessions held previously.

The low turnout didn't mean there was a small number of questions though. Lively debates were had on membership, the broadening of The Garden's content, value for money, Gift Aid, RHS Shows and a 5th RHS garden amongst others. 21 threads were started and I suspect it might have been more had the method of kicking them off and getting back to the start of the forum had been a little more user-friendly.

I managed to ask all the questions you asked me to (if I wasn't beaten to them already) and the forum is being kept on indefinitely for future debate and reading for those of you who are interested. Overall, a good start - though note that not everything was answered satisfactorily - and I hope to see more of this kind of thing in the future.

Bummer - I forgot to ask a question about whether we can take part in any RHS seed trials this year. Must head on back and ask that one, but first a certain Presidential inauguration and history in the making takes priority...


  1. I have started reading the forums, Interesting .....

  2. now that the presidential inaugration is over, i can zip over to the forum :)

  3. Hi Karen - hope you find it's worthwhile over there.

    Petoskystone - we were glued to the ceremony too - what a speech!

  4. Well done! That Gordon Seabright's fingers must be falling off at this rate: he must be able to type really fast. They ought to do more of that sort of thing: it raised the game of the whole forum by about two miles. And brought in a lot more comments as well.

  5. Hi Victoria - thank you. I've had good feedback from Arabella and Gary too. Shame more people didn't attend, but what was said and the debate was very good on the whole. And it was good to see responses from all of the directors. It shows that fora can be a useful tool if people approach it in the right way.

    And I couldn't stand by and say nothing after all I'd said in the blogosphere could I?

  6. Thanks for the summary of the proceedings VP. I will have a good browse though the forums soon. I have just had a quick peek and I am glad to see that they are keeping them live for a while.

  7. Thanks for representing our views - I will go over to the forums and see what was said and add my thoughts if that is possible

  8. Hi Anna and PG - no problem and I hope you find something of interest over there.


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