An Award From Aunt Debbi

Eek - Deb gave me this award months ago and it's taken me absolutely aaaaages to do anything about it. Deb, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the award, I really do :)

As part of my acceptance speech I should list 5 things I'm addicted to, so here goes:
  1. Blogging - now there's a surprise
  2. Gardening - ditto
  3. Chocolate - though NAH's enforced diet is helping to wean me off this one
  4. Choir - there's nothing better for lifting a bad mood
  5. Friends - especially NAH, plus all my real life ones and blogging buddies

Nothing unusual or quirky there then. I'm saving that for another time ;)

Deb had a great idea of choosing her 5 most recent commenters for her award passalong as they're the lifeblood of her blog. I'd like to copy and modify her idea slightly and nominate a couple of people who comment regularly on my blog too. So thank you Sylvia and Petoskystone for your regular contributions on here. I know it's a bit strange me giving you this award as you don't have blogs, but I always use any award I'm given to say thank you and as you've enhanced my blog so much by what you've said, I still think this award's appropriate for you too. You're also most welcome to leave a list of addictions and even nominations for this award in the Comments below, though as ever with any award I hand out, there's absolutely no obligation for you to do so.

BTW I'm at Stourhead today singing at The Festival of the Voice. Click here if you'd like to hear us at our final rehearsal last Tuesday in Bradford on Avon. You can definitely hear me singing the descant in Give Me Wings!

Have a good weekend everyone :)


  1. Singing is my lifeblood too, VP! And I know what you mean---Daphne of Daphne's Dandelions gave me an absolutely beautiful award and I'm such a Luddite I have absolutely no clue as to how to get it up on my blog. Maybe one of these years! Have a wonderful, musical weekend.

  2. What a splendid idea on how to pass an award on to other! ...You've absolutely cut through the angst we inflict upon ourselves when given an award! ...and you do have a Fabulous Blog! Loved the link to your choir. I can see how it would be uplifting! Do you suppose somewhere, there's a choir whop would welcome someone who can't carry tune! Happy Mum's Day to you! gail

  3. Very nice award, and a very nice way to share it!

  4. Hey there, glad to see you put it up.

  5. And nobody deserves an award more than you, my dear!

    Vote for VP on Garden Monkey!

  6. OFB - I think awards are a bit more tricky to put up on Wordpress blogs, but I'm not much more tech savvy than you, so I could be wrong! And the weekend was great - will be posting about it soon.

    Gail - thank you :) And I'm so glad you took the trouble to have a listen to us. Our choir's an inclusive one, so no-one's turned away. Our choirmaster says - if you can speak you can sing!

    Garden Girl - thanks :)

    Deb - I'm glad I finally got round to it - sorry it's taken so long!

    Susan - thank you so much and I'm touched by what you said over at Garden Monkey's site too :D

  7. Congratulations on the award. You deserve it. You are a dedicated blogger. I cannot keep up with your posts! x

  8. TIMP - thanks Louise - I see you've been busy lately so aren't around the blogosphere so much :( But getting on with real life is what counts xx


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