Bloggity Blog Fun

I was musing to myself recently on how the blogosphere has lost a lot of its fun and mayhem without the frequent presence of The Garden Monkey, when up pops GM just in the nick of time to put that right. Fanfare please, we have the second Fork 'n Monkey Awards * - so I guess we can call it a tradition and an annual event now, hurrah!

The standard of nominations thus far is extremely high, so I'm rather relieved my queen of bad poetry crown is safe for another year as there isn't an equivalent award this time around.

However new nominations and votes for the latest set of quirky categories are most welcome - go and vote now people!

And whilst we're talking about bloggity blog fun, why haven't you entered Kate, The Manic Gardener's amusing compost competition? What's that - you don't think compost can be amusing? You haven't reckoned with Kate's take on the subject - nor GM's for that matter - just reading her categories will give you the giggles. For those of you across the pond there are real prizes at stake: for everyone else there's pride to contend for!

Hurry, hurry, hurry - both of them close on Sunday the 17th of May...

* = Image courtesy of The Garden Monkey - all rights reserved.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A completely unrelated comment but I just wanted to say good luck for the Moonwalk on Saturday. I'm doing it too and would say hello on the night but I guess as there are 15,000 of us and I've no idea what you look like, that's somewhat tricky!

    I keep telling myself it's just a gentle site seeing tour - how about you? (sorry removed first post due to glaring spelling error!)

  3. Hi Dawn - I've just left a message for you over at Blotanical as I can't get onto your blog via your link on here, via Blotanical or by keying in your website address directly :(

    I've had to pull out of the Moonwalk owing to injury. I was banned from training for 10 days and there was no way I could catch up after that, unless I went round at an absolute snail's pace!

    I've consoled myself with my first trip to Chelsea ever next Tuesday instead.

    Good luck for Saturday/Sunday! Hve you done it before? I'm planning on reapplying for next year and hopefully the whole of my GNO group will get in for next time too.

  4. Hi VP - think I must have been posting at the vey moment you tried the site - hence the problem.

    I was about to say how sad it was that you won't be able to do it this year and then remembered I was talking about loosing a night's sleep and walking in a bra across London, possibly in the pouring rain!

    Never done it before and will probably never manage it again (if I do indeed survive this year). Am also going to Chelsea on Tuesday. You'll know me by my hobble...

  5. Hi Dawn,

    Nope - still can't get in and it's not the first time either. That's why you've not seen me over at yours very often!

    Monnwalking and Chelsea? Now I'm seriously impressed. I think you should be asking for double sponsor money!

  6. Hi Dawn,

    My osteopath's done it twice before. It was good to be seen by someone who knows what's involved and could treat me accordingly, but it wasn't to be.

    And perhaps London can sleep a little easier this weekend safe in the knowledge I won't be parading around in my bra and a very bright pink fluorescent baseball cap ;)

    Will look out for you on Tuesday :)

  7. I've nominated for most of the categories on GM's awards and am a little disappointed that more people are voting or nominating.

    Looked at Kate's competition and its too challenging for my befuddled brain at the moment so will pass on that one.

  8. Is it wrong that I voted for myself in 2 categories on GM? I feel a little ashamed, but only a little, hehe

  9. PG - there's been quite a bit more activity on there since you put your comment up about lack of nominations and a bit of Twittering too. I thought I'd do a last minute reminder up to keep things going a bit :)

    Carrie - self promotion's fine, but I think you have to do over at Fork 'n Monkey itself for it to be counted ;)

    Talking of self promotion - vote for me!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  10. I've caught up on my voting now :)

  11. I'm at Chelsea Tuesday as well :D

    (and for most of the rest of the week - I'm working)

    let me know if you fancy a cuppa!

    must get on to voting in the GM awards - thanks for the timely nudge. The composting thing, a bit like PG, I cannot get my work-addled brain around so might give that a miss for a bit and come back to it later.

  12. CG - I look forward to seeing who you vote for! And I hope to see you on Tuesday :)


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