YAWA: Your Events Diary For June

We often think of the phrase Flaming June to mean a period of good weather resulting in a great show of growth and flowers. As a gardener I feel it has a double meaning: the aforesaid good weather, or a polite way of swearing about the opposite reality. Of course, we should now be in that lovely period of frost-free gardening where tender plants can be left out without fear of punishment and the Clematis are really showing themselves off in my garden as pictured. It's also a month of many and varied events, so let's see what the You Ask, We Answer team have found for us:

1-7: National volunteer week. Lots of information available for you to find a voluntary activity to suit you. Happily my post last year inspired several of you to get out there and do something rewarding :)

5th until October: Future Gardens opens to the public. This is an exciting new garden festival which continues until 4th October. You'll find lots more information over at Zoe's plus June's Gardens Illustrated magazine has an extensive preview. It's also World Environment Day today.

10-14: Gardeners' World Live at the NEC. The big gardening festivals just keep rolling on - you can read about my lovely visit last year here.

19th (tbc): The Hoppings - Europe's largest funfair with roots going back to 1721 on 40 acres in the heart of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne, continuing to the end of June/beginning of July. As a student this was the perfect antidote to the stress of exams!

20th: National Winking Day - Can you wink? I can, but only with my right eye ;)

21st: Summer Solstice. A time when the druids and other assorted folk stay up all night - well it is the shortest one - and celebrate the dawn of the longest day at Stonehenge.

24th - Midsummer's Day aka St John's Day. I've always struggled with this one as summer's only just got going in my view. Have a look here for more information on the the traditions associated with this day and also the entire month.

26th - Sing for Water. Unlike last year, we won't be going to London as our choirmaster and WaterAid are organising an event for the South-West instead. 800 people will be gathering at Bristol's Harbourside and I'll give you more details re timing etc. later should you wish to come and hear us.


  1. Don't forget the Dirty Weekend on 6-7th June! xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The deletion was me being annoyed with my punctuation :) The Hoppings !!! That seems a lifetime ago. Thanks for bringing back some good memories canny lass !

  4. Hi VP - I've been missing your posts (and everyone elses!) due to an intermittent internet connection problem, which has temporarily sorted itself out but should be properly fixed on Wednesday.

    I've really enjoyed playing catch-up and got some great ideas about shady plantings too - for a small project I have in mind!!!

    Thanks for all the info on what's on this month too. Lots of ideas for us there once Last-Borns GCSE's are done next week.Yeah!!!

  5. Flighty - thanks for that, there were loads of events weren't there? We had the delights of Chris Packham on Heacham beach for ours :)

    Anna - they were such fun weren't they? Do you remember The Guesser?

    Nutty Gnome - good to see you and glad you got some ideas for your next project. I'll be over to see how you're getting on soon :)


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

For National Tree Week