April is the Blog Love Month II

Oh to have a compost heap so tall it needs a ladder!
Week 2 of my version of Emma Cooper's April Blog Love challenge has led me to the following new discoveries:
  • Peonies and Polaroids - a discovery thanks to Out of My Shed as Cara was on the list for the bloggers get together at Great Dixter. Sadly we didn't get to meet, but I've enjoyed getting acquainted with her beautifully written and photographed blog instead.
  • The joys of the headlines from Brighton's The Argus. My favourite (not included in the link) is Bearded Woman Attacked At Crucifixion, though many seen via the link also had me crying with laughter.
  • Rusty Duck - I love the cheeky robin on the header photo.
  • Amy at Get Busy Gardening - another discovery via Gayla Trail's Grow Write Guild :)
  • Missing Henry Mitchell - an intriguing blog name, which is succeeding in being as observant in its nature as the writer Henry Mitchell apparently was. I particularly enjoyed this week's encounter with an opossum.
  • The Smithsonian's science blog  - I could spend days reading all of their blogs! I've settled for their account of how technology is being used to identify small areas suitable for wetland creation which can make a huge difference to flood alleviation.
  • In a week when so much has been said about Margaret Thatcher, Noel Kingsbury examines her legacy with regards to public open space.
You can view my discoveries for Week 1 here.


  1. Thank you for the link VP.
    I'm glad you like the robin. He tried the patience somewhat, but it was worth it in the end!

  2. I also want to say thanks for the link, and for your kind words. I appreciate your sharing your blog discoveries, and I look forward to exploring them as well as the archives of your own site.

  3. RD - definitely worth it :)

    MHM - you're very welcome :)

    Janet - hurray!


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