Shows of Hands Finale

Discussing Shows of Hands with Naomi Slade at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens in April.
At the same time Lynn Keddie took a similar shot, which illustrated perfectly why she's the
professional photographer and I'm not. The photo is uncropped to maximise the errors on view.

Many thanks to everyone who took part in my Shows of Hands project for this year's Chelsea Fringe. Your response has been amazing with 41 contributions from 33 people and organisations via blogs, email, Facebook and Twitter.

When Shows of Hands was announced I promised you a final collage, or something. As your response was so big and because I've used plenty of collages throughout the project, I've decided the finale should be or something. I hope you enjoy the following selection of images.

Shows of Hands for Chelsea Fringe 2014 (Click on the link if the embedded version doesn't work - this will open in a new window. There's 39 slides for you to click through at your own leisure)

Not only was this year's response larger in terms of participants, it was bigger in terms of global reach too, with Canada joining us here in the UK. Then Emma Cooper trumped that distance with her post about growing salad on the International Space Station. That did give me a minor problem in finding the right spot to pin her post to the Google map summary ;)

An overview of the Shows of Hands Google map - Click here to go the clickable version
to explore further and read the stories each contributor wove around their chosen image(s)

It's worth taking a look at the map as you can easily see the spread of the contributions and there are a couple of extra links to contributions I didn't get permission to use for the slideshow.

I've also been using the map to conduct a sly completely unscientific survey on the popularity of gardening gloves based on your photos. Can you guess which won? Flighty and Welly Woman got it right when they mentioned their preferences.

Shows of Hands also managed to link with around 10 of the physical Fringe projects in Bristol and London, plus another of the online ones. Not bad going!

Do you like what you've seen in this post? Raise and show your hand if you do...

Update 21/6/2014: A flurry of extra activity on Twitter, Facebook and blogs means we now have 44 contributions from 36 people and organisations. The clickable map shows the updated picture of everyone's Shows of Hands :)

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  1. A most enjoyable post and slide show. Thanks for the mention. It was fun to do a Shows of Hands post and read all the others as well.
    I now look forward to next year and wonder what you'll come up with! Flighty xx

    1. Thanks Flighty, everyone's contributions were amazing and it was such fun to do. It was great you took part again this year :-)

  2. Flighty has taken the words out of my mouth VP :)

  3. VP, that was lovely. I do regret not joining in! Next year…

  4. A great idea VP, and many thanks for the belated addition. If you do something next year, I promise not to be tardy! I love the map, by the way - a great way of exploring people's contributions.


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