Raspberry Breeding at East Malling Research

Infographic showing the history and development of raspberry breeding at East Malling Research
NB the company's condition for freebie usage of their infographic application requires the display of their logo 
As you can see I've had some more fun playing around with infographics.
Lesson learned - images saved as png files are sharper than jpegs.

My thanks to everyone at East Malling Research, Lubera's Markus Kobelt and Fran Suermondt for making this day happen.

A visit to East Malling has been on my wishlist since I was a student. In my mind's eye I could see my 17 year-old self waving at me from my trip to the National Vegetable Research Station (now part of Warwick University) at Wellesbourne. Happy days.

Update: This is blog post number 2,000. It's  fitting it's one which highlights a great day where I crossed something off my wishlist, has lots of information, and where I've been fiddling around to bring something different to the blog.

Many thanks for reading and all your comments over the years. I wouldn't have got this far without you. Now, how shall we celebrate?


  1. Hi Michelle, what a lovely gloriously sunny afternoon we had tasting those berries! Such fantastic dedication to breeding new fruit cultivars at EMR. Wonderful organisation! A real highlight of the year.

    1. Hi Naomi - it was a wonderful day, so I wanted to do something a little different to do it justice :-)

  2. I wonder what they would make of my raspberry cane which has seeded into the steps onto the lawn, I presume courtesy of a blackbird! The fruit is beautiful, very tasty, we are enjoying the berries as long as the said blackbird leaves them for us. I must try moving it to join the others in the veggie garden.
    It sounds as if you had a wonderful day, all those lovely berries to taste!

    1. I have a raspberry of unknown vintage on the allotment, courtesy of the birds too Pauline. It's a wonderful berry, I wish I knew which variety it is!

  3. Better than Polka?! Surely not! That was a fun day out - and congratulations on 2000 posts, that is epic! Any celebration has to involve cake and bubbly...

    1. I wonder if the same was said about Autumn Bliss when Polka arrived on the scene, Janet! Thanks for the congratulations - we were in Jersey when the post went up, a perfect way to celebrate ;)


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