Wordless Wednesday: For Apple Day

Scrumptious apples harvested from the plot
Malus domestica 'Scrumptious', October 21st 2015 


  1. I like apples, and generally eat one most days. That's a well named variety. Flighty xx

    1. It's a fabulous early apple Flighty. We won't be able to get through all of these before they start to go soft as we have such a bumper crop this year, so I'll be making some apple jelly and freezing some to go with my morning porridge :)

  2. Scrumptious looking they are indeed!

    1. They are - it's a well-named variety from East Malling's breeding programme. I tasted an even more amazing looking one there recently - they showed Matt Baker tasting it on Countryfile on Sunday. It will go far - it really shines out of the tree, tasted fantastic and has a red flesh.

  3. Replies
    1. It tastes like its name too Brian :-)

  4. Today I am eating thr humble Cox. Hurrah for Apple day!

    1. Nowt humble about the cox in my view, Colleen. Hurrah indeed!

  5. That's a beautiful looking apple, sounds as if it tasted really good too.

  6. They are Janet. I'm just about to use up some of the windfalls by making apple jelly. Single variety jam - there's posh!


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