Things in Unusual Places #17: Peahen

Photo of a pea hen in the temporary ladies loos at Whitehall Garden Centre
Caption competition time. Your starter for ten - "Does my bum look big in this?" 

I was giggling at my local garden centre recently when I found the pictured peahen seemingly admiring herself in the mirror.

In Corsham, peafowl are a regular sight striding down the High Street, where they've walked over from nearby Corsham Court. Sometimes they venture further afield, up to a couple of miles away.

On one memorable occasion when we first moved to Corsham, a peacock took up residence and installed himself for several weeks over a velux window where we were staying. It made for rather a dim but pretty time in the kitchen as the window was the sole source of natural light.

Inspired by the residents of Corsham Court (and its environs), Whitehall Garden Centre - which is only a few miles away - decided to have its own resident population of the birds. I'd heard their eerie sounding calls on a previous visit, but never expected to find one in the ladies loos.


  1. Replies
    1. Most definitely. There was another on top of the loo block as well!

  2. That's hilarious! What fun to have them wandering about as a matter of course - how many end up flattened by traffic, I wonder...

    1. Corsham High Street is traffic free, so they can wander around quite happily.

  3. I remember working quietly in a garden a few years ago when an unseen Peacock perch on a roof top started calling, it made me jump. I don't think I would want one living in my garden!

    1. I'm not surprised you jumped Brian, they're very loud!

  4. She obviously could read, I wonder if there was a peacock in the gents?

    1. That would be too funny Sue! He was on top of the building - I took a photo of him as well, but it's not as striking as his missus :-)

  5. How funny! I wonder how she got in. Someone must have held the door for her. :o)

  6. Tee hee, now that would make a great picture Tammy!


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