Let there be wreaths!

I do love a foliage wreath on our front door, and as a result I've accumulated an enormous stash of decorative bits over the years saved 'just in case for later', to include: a straw ring; tons of cones; various baubles; ribbons; and other bits and bobs. They've threatened to jump out of the basket on the top shelf of my study for quite a while now, so it was high time I did something with them instead. The result now adorns our front door to welcome us home; it's all from my saved bits, plus a crochet sleeve added to the straw ring for protection and for easier decoration. I'm quite pleased with the result and NAH particularly likes the jingling of the added bells whenever we open or close the door. I even had enough left over to make a smaller wreath for indoors - this one is on the door into my craft room/study. - with another crocheted sleeve to hide the wirework circle I'd stashed away in the cupboard... ... and then there are the fused glass stars I ma...