The Quiz Results Are In

Drumroll... We have our first international winner in my Open Garden prize giveaways!

Congratulations to Amanda from Cooking in Someone Else's Kitchen - you've won this lovely necklace made by ArtistsGarden. I'll be in touch with you shortly to make arrangements for getting your prize to you. I'll also take it along to Sunday's concert just in case I bump into you there as I see you'll be in England then. I do hope we do get to meet - it would be lovely to see you and handover your prize personally.

Well done to everyone who entered - Threadspider, PatientGardener and Anna. You all submitted correct entries, but as ever it's the luck of the draw. Don't worry, there's still plenty more up for grabs. I'll be doing another quiz at some point as I put together far more than the 5 questions asked last week. Note, if last Friday's quiz is anything to go by, it's a good way of shortening the odds to win a prize! Also note, Amanda has made the chocolate cake featured in my Open Garden. Her version lasted a mere 20 minutes in her house...

And here's the anwers to the quiz:
  1. Q. What event was taking place when I started planting up the garden? A. Sydney Olympic Games
  2. Q. What's appeared on the allotment site for the first time this year? A. I accepted either Allotment People or Scarecrows
  3. Q. When is the Sing for Water concert in London? A. 14th September
  4. Q. What's the unusual ingredient in my chocolate cake? A. Mayonnaise
  5. Q. What does NAH stand for? A. Non Allotmenteering Husband


  1. Thanks VP (and Karen!) - the necklace looks beautiful - I am highly delighted. And the chocolate cake was delicious!

  2. Well done Amanda - I hope you like it in the "flesh" so to speak.

  3. Amanda - so glad you like the necklace :)

    AG - Oh yes, she did! Well done you for thinking of and maknig such a lovely prize :D


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