GBMD: Atlas

There is a kind of love called maintenance
Which stores the WD40 and knows when to use it

Which checks the insurance, and doesn’t forget
The milkman; which remembers to plant bulbs;

Which answers letters; which knows the way
The money goes; which deals with dentists

And Road Fund Tax and meeting trains,
And postcards to the lonely; which upholds

The permanently rickety elaborate
Structures of living, which is Atlas.

And maintenance is the sensible side of love,
Which knows what time and weather are doing
To my brickwork; insulates my faulty wiring;
Laughs at my dry rotten jokes; remembers
My need for gloss and grouting; which keeps
My suspect edifice upright in air,
As Atlas did the sky.

Following the talk we went to recently, Threadspider and I were keen to renew our acquaintance with The Courts. More on our visit later. At the entrance I found a list of poems called Aspects of Love with suggested garden locations for each of them. I was quite taken by this idea, particularly as I didn't know many of the poems on the list.

I've had a very happy hour googling poems both old and new. When I read the above poem by UA Fanthorpe, I knew it had to be my Muse Day for March because it sums up my relationship with NAH to a T. On our first date he repaired my dodgy plumbing (despite my proudly independent female protests) and on our wedding day he fixed my nan's central heating. As I write this he's sorting out his aunt's defunct vacuum cleaner following our visit to her in Poole last Wednesday.

It's our 26th wedding anniversary in a few days time... :D

Garden Bloggers Muse Day is hosted by Carolyn Choi at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago.


  1. Handymen are very handy! I wish I had one.
    We are doing the poems of U A Fanthorpe at one of our book club meetings later in the year. Poetry is mostly a mystery to me so it will be an experience.
    BTW - Can make Malvern after all. Have emailed to the malvernmeet address. Please let me have any info.

  2. What a fabulous poem. Must google more Fanthorpe. Happy advance anniversary, too. So much depends on the WD40. We're coming up to #28 in June.

  3. happy anniversary in advance! you both lucked out to find another who fits so well..

  4. That's a great poem, how lovely to find something so apt ahead of your anniversary. Thought-provoking actually, to one who's suspect edifice is feeling a bit precarious at the moment! Thanks.

  5. It's a wonderful poem. So perfect I copied and sent it to friends who love poetry and appreciate their spouses. Happiest 26~we are approaching our 30th in April. gail

  6. An early Happy Anniversary to you and NAH, VP! The romantics forget that "maintenance is the sensible side of love." Happy Muse Day!

  7. This is a wonderful poem, speaking about a wonderful marriage. I am fortunate to have an equally wonderful husband, who not only supports me, but the children, grandchildren and community. On our honeymoon, we took three of the five children on a trip where we helped old friends sand the cat pee soaked floor of their 'new' farmhouse (with no running water), and then went on to help other old friends who were building a house in Canada with our hammers and saws (they didn't have running water either) and then went to visit other old friends in a spiffy suburb who needed help with their sewer line! A honeymoon to remember - 32 years ago. I really! love that poem.

  8. ps I just read this poem to a friend (we're in a writing group) and it sounds wonderful read out loud! Just had to share~ gail

  9. I recognised that wonderful poem straight away! I wonder if there's any others that mention WD40!
    Happy anniversary to come! Flighty xx

  10. Happy happy anniversary! Hold Him tight!

  11. The happiest of anniversary wishes to you and NAH. It sounds as though you got a good one with him, and he you, of course. I love the poem, and imagine my own Atlas holding up the edifice. So romantic.


  12. A great poem and just as apt for me and mine!

  13. Hi everyone, so glad you enjoyed my 'discovery'. Each time I read this, I love it even more. I also read it aloud to NAH - he gave me a wide grin and an enormous cuddle. I am indeed very lucky to have found him :D


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