GBMD: Awake and Join the Cheerful Choir

Snowy evidence of a visitor yesterday, but alas no signs of a cheerful choir yet...

Awake and join the cheerful choir
Upon this blessed morn
And glad hosannas loudly sing
For joy a saviour’s born.

Let all the choirs on earth below
Their voices loudly raise
And sweetly join the cheerful band
With angels in the skies

To tell this news the heavenly host
Appeared in the air
And humble shepherds in the field
Those joyful songs did hear

Wise men from far beheld the star
Which was their faithful guide
And when it pointed forth a way,
Then God they glorified

From Britford, Wiltshire (notated by Geoffrey Hill)

Our choirmaster has found a local Christmas carol for us to sing this year. This snippet is very similar to what we'll be singing :)

Garden Bloggers'Muse Day is hosted by Carolyn Choi at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago.


  1. I love carols - and all those cheesy Christmas songs! I am dusting them off and setting them up on the mp3 player now that it is December. Hope the bird found something to eat and drink. Enjoy your singing!

  2. Lovely, VP! The words sound very familiar--I think this carol may have found its way into our newest hymnbook. You are ahead of us with the first snowfall--we had our first light dusting just this morning.

  3. Jane is always saying we must go to a carol service. they have stopped them at work and boys school does not seem to have one either. Nice that you have found a local carol to sing too

  4. I've done something to my settings (and I don't know what) so I can't hear anything on my laptop even when the volume is turned up - so I'll have to imagine the snippet was tuneful!

    The tracks are impressive. (Bird ones.)


  5. The music is the best part of Christmas, in my opinion. Those bird tracks are very cute - much better than the stupid squirrel tracks in the snow here.

  6. We have been having great fun trying to identify all the characters who have been snow walking in our garden.
    Enjoy your carol singing :)

  7. Plantaliscious - I'm looking forward to our choir's tour around the local pubs on Monday. And in January we'll be doing some proper wassailing at The Courts :)

    Rose - a light dusting's just the start for you isn't it?

    Mark - sadly we're not doing a proper Christmas concert this year, though we are singing at Stourhead on the 19th. I won't be there though as we're visiting family up North

    Esther - it was very tuneful, shame you couldn't hear it.

    MMD - we've got loads of squirrels raiding the bird food my neighbour's put out :(

    Anna - that's my comment of my week :)


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