GBBD: Bouncing Back

Winter's come early to VP Gardens this year with nearly two weeks of snow and ice already, clearing just in time for this month's Blooms Day. It's been interesting to observe how the plants are bouncing back after experiencing their physiological drought (see D is for Drought in my recent ABC of Weather series of posts) which certainly made everything in the garden look very droopy and miserable for a while.

The Violas seem to have fared the best so far. I have a number of large planters dotted around the back and front gardens within easy sight from the windows. I try to colour theme most of the pots, so the back ones are filled with mauve and yellow smiling faces. As I buy mixed packs from Frank's Plants, there's inevitably some other colours to play with and these go in the front garden. This time I'm struck by the richness and warmth of my chosen Blooms Day picture for this month. The main flower may be a little dog-eared after its wintry travails, but already plenty of new ones are poised to take over to cheer us up during December's darkest days :)

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. I have been seeing a few violas for GBBD. They also had the snow then the blooms. They are hardy little plants.

  2. Gardenwalkgardentalk - Viola's a good plant for this time of year. Most years I've noticed that a spell of cold weather stops them flowering for quite a while, so I was interested to see that our recent spell of extremely cold weather hasn't stopped them flowering this time.

  3. Such cheerful little plants, Violas! Mine are still sulking a little, but have plenty of buds so I have hope... Happy GBBD!

  4. Hi VP

    You are really fortunate to still have your little violas in flower. I decided not to plant up my containers this year for the winter season as last year everything died. Just as well I didn't as no one's violas or pansies have survived our cold temperatures here in Central Scotland. They look as if a big cat has sat on them for days on end.

  5. VP girl that is one VERY pretty viola! .. I love that colour as well, almost Xmasy ? LOL
    I have nothing but snow now .. I would be in shock seeing any flower pop its head up above the white fluffy stuff .. I can only dream and stare at pictures from my garden now?
    Joy : ) wink wink

  6. What a beautiful velvety colour.

  7. Violas are such happy flowers and look so delicate, but they are so very hearty. I love the color of that one.

  8. what a cheerful burst of color for this cold day :)

  9. Your mention of drought is interesting VP . It is not something we necessarily think of when we have the white stuff on the ground. A gardening club friend mentioned drought when we were chatting the her day. She grows a lot of azaleas and was getting rather concerned about them. Tough little customers - those violas :)

  10. I'd be happy to have even 1 Viola blooming outside. Sigh...

  11. Glad to hear you're recovering from drought. I love red violas, they're so velvety!

  12. Well done VP. Some cheer of the non Christmassy variety for us!
    Pansies/violas are cracking value and winter bedding that doesn't contain any is making a big mistake!

  13. Glad your garden still has the beautiful voila to share with us on GBBD!

  14. Violas do last about as long as any flower in the late fall... mine are under snow now, so I doubt they'll recover. Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

  15. Hello everyone and thanks for your visit :)

    Soon after the violas were again coated with snow and frozen to death. I wonder if they'll bounce back for the next Blooms Day?


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