Field of Light

Yesterday NAH and I went to have a look at the Field of Light TM work currently on display at the Holburne Museum in Bath. It's by Bruce Munro who hails from nearby Warminster.

Here you can see part of the work itself, plus the reflections in the windows of the museum's new extension and the puddles below. The lights change colour along the fibre optic wires you can see on the ground. It makes for a totally magical experience.

NAH being the engineer he is couldn't resist fixing one of the globes back onto its light ;)

You have until January 8th (4-7pm) to go along and see for yourself...

Update: Here's an extra image (plus another one) published over at Sign of the Times :)


  1. Your comment about NAH putting a light back on fills me with this terrible desire to go there and move them all around to a new design. I'm a crypto vandal.

  2. Esther - I've spotted your crypto vandalism tendencies in previous comments ;)

    However, you would have had an awful lot of wires to move in addition to the lights themselves...

    There were a number of signs around the edge which read:

    Do not touch the artwork
    'Field of Light'

    In view of those notices, I expected NAH to get a strong telling off at the very least despite him making things a bit better!

  3. Oh that looks excellent. The Holburne museum was one of my 'finds' of last year - sadly can't get there tomorrow.

  4. Mark - that's a shame, it would have been right up your street.


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