Seed Giveaway 2012

January's a great time to dust off the seed tin and see what I already have before hitting the slew of catalogues which have flopped through the letterbox recently. As a result I've found I have more seed than I know what to do with.

Last year's Nasturtium seed giveaway went down very well, so I thought I'd do the same with this year's spares. I've weeded out all the packets which have gone out of date, so you'll get something which stands a good chance of working well for you this year. Here's what's available - any numbers in brackets mean I have more than one packet to spare:


Aquilegia x hybrida 'Crown of Jewels' Mixed
Aquilegia 'McKana Giants' Mixed
Bronze Fennel
Calendula 'Neon'
Helianthus maximiliani (NB perennial sunflower)
Hollyhock 'Halo' Mixed
Morning Glory 'Star of Yelta'
Phacelia 'Tropical Surf'
Sweet Rocket (3 2 1)


Artichoke 'Violet de Provence'
Beetroot 'Alto'
Beetroot 'Boltardy'
Beetroot 'Egyptian Flat Rooted'
Brussels Sprout 'Evesham Special'
Cabbage 'Golden Acre Primo III'
Cabbage 'Kalibos'
Calabrese 'Green Sprouting'
Chilli Pepper 'Chenzo' (3 2 1 - medium hot)
Onion 'Santero'
Onion 'Rouge Long de Florence'
Pumpkin 'Hundredweight' (2 1)
Sweet Pepper 'California Wonder'
Sweet Pepper 'Sweet Ingrid'
Sweet Pepper 'Golden Bell'
Tomato 'Alicante'

Like the look of something? Here's what to do next...
  • Add a comment below, stating which seeds you'd like. This is so people after you get an idea of what's still left as this is on a first come, first served basis (though I'll also be updating this post as I go along)
  • Please request no more than 5 packets, so plenty of people get a chance for some free seeds. If you request more, I'll send you the first 5 on your list. If I have more than 1 packet, then I'll just be sending one of them to you
  • Email me on vegplotting at gmail dot com confirming what you'd like (and who you are if it differs from your online persona!) and the address for me to send the seeds to you. Sorry, no email with your address or if I can't match who you are with the comments means no seeds - I did a lot of tracking down last year to make sure people got their seeds and sadly I haven't got the time to do that this year
  • I'll send you your seeds ASAP - don't worry about postage, I'd prefer it if you gave a donation to your favourite gardening charity instead
  • The closing date is February 11th as I'll be taking along anything that's left to Bradford on Avon's Seedy Sunday on the 12th
  • Sorry, this is only open to UK residents only, owing to higher postage costs and customs restrictions re sending seeds abroad
  • Any questions? Just ask in the comments below :)
To summarise
  • Your comment below reserves your seeds
  • Your email with your name (if I need to match who you are with your online persona), address and seeds requested means I'll send your seeds to you ASAP
  • Anything not requested by email by midnight, 11th February goes to Seedy Sunday
Update 30th January: I've spotted that comments from those of you who've responded via my RSS or email subscriptions haven't gone up on the blog and went into in my spam email folder which I rarely go into. I don't have a record of your comments you left me in my blog spam folder either (which I keep a very close eye on), so your comment requests and any follow up emails were missed until this morning.

Therefore I won't be able to send you everything you've asked for as comments came through on the blog in the meantime for quite a few of the seeds. I'm sorry about that and I've also reported the problem to Blogger, so that hopefully things will get sorted in time for next year's giveaway.


  1. Oooohhhhh - I'm the first! What a very generous offer....please may I have a packet each of:
    - helianthus mazimiliani
    - chilli pepper 'chenzo'
    - artichoke 'violet de provence'
    Thank you. I'll email my details etc. A nice surprise for Monday morning!

    1. Great to see a 'Local Vocal' is the first. They're yours :)

  2. I guess I'm a local lurker! Could I have the phacelia (I've heard is good for bees) and a chilli pepper please? Don't post though - I hope to go to BoA's Seedy Sunday too. Thank you!

    1. Lu - they're yours and seeing I already know where you live, I don't need your email! ;)

  3. What a great idea! I should try this on my side of the pond :-) I always have more seed than I'll actually plant because I'm always seduced by the pictures in the seed catalogs even though I should know better by now!

  4. Kath - you'll be most popular if you do. There's nothing garden bloggers like more than some seeds :)

    Not only do I get tempted by the catalogues, I seem to be a human magnet for them ;)

  5. Hi - I'd like the Chilli Pepper 'Chenzo' as its on my to-do-list to get the chilli started early again. Hope you are well. I'll email you shortly. Amanda x

    1. Hi Amanda - they're yours :) Good to know they're off to a good home.

  6. Hello! I've only posted on your site a couple of times, but I *am* following your 52 week salad challenge. In that spirit, could I please make a case for one of the packets of beetroot seeds? Whichever is best for a newbie with clay soil ... what a lovely offer!

    Emailing you as soon as I've posted this, many thanks.

    1. Hi Jan - all are welcome irrespective of numbers of visits :) I'll send you the Egyptian flat rooted packet as that sounds like it stands the best chance with clay. You could also try it as a leaf crop as well as the beets themselves.

  7. Replies
    1. You're welcome - it's a nice thing to do on a dull January day :)

  8. Oooh I'm new to the whole gardening thing and have only been following your blog for a few months, but what a lovely offer! If they are still available I would love to try:
    Aquilegia (either - whichever is easeist probably for a scottish climate!)
    Sweet Rocket (I've never heard of this, but a quick google provided some lovely pictures!).

    Thank you sooo much! How very lovely of you x

    1. Tonia - many thanks for following and good luck with your gardening adventures :)
      I rather like the 'McKana hybrids' Aquilegias in my garden, so I'll send you those. Sweet rocket has a fantastic scent and is very easy to grow from seed as are the Calendula. Sadly I can't vouch for the calabrese as NAH doesn't like veg from the brassica family so I don't grow any!

      Nice to see the list is getting crossed off everyone :)

    2. I received the seeds yesterday! What a pleasant surprise when accompanied by bills. Thank you very much! I'm not sure I'll be able to get my better half eating calabrese, but its worth a try I reckon!

  9. Oooo, now I've just done a big seed clear out and have resisted ordering any more seeds. But as I've never gown brussels sprouts, could I reserve the packet of 'Evesham Special'? An email will be on its way with the necessary details - many thanks in advance!

  10. Thanks so much! I'm a fairly new gardener so like to try different things. Can you send me:
    * sweet pepper (any variety)
    * beetroot (any variety)
    * morning glory or aquilesia

    1. Hi Carmen - that's a good selection to try :) I'll send you the aquilegia as they're such a good plant for spring. Boltardy is a good beet to start with and as I love yellow peppers, that one's yours!

  11. Such a generous offer and a great way to do a clearout! Sadly, although I used to live in Chippenham, I am now living in Illinois and wintering in Florida, so can't participate.

    This divided year has its gardening challenges! The Illinois garden is bedded down for the winter. However, since we are staying in one (warm!) place for 3 months, I bought large pots to put outside. We have Swiss chard, tomatoes, a green pepper, various lettuces and herbs, radishes, spring onions, garlic (for greens), and snap peas growing, along with sweet allysum and...something blue. Oh yes, and catnip for the indoor furries. That's almost as much variety as I plant in the summer.


    1. Welcome! Shame you don't live in Chippenham anymore, but you've got a great selection growing there in Florida :)

  12. Hi this is very kind of you :)
    I'm interested on having the following seeds: Hollyhock 'Halo' Mixed, Morning Glory 'Star of Yelta', Sweet Rocket, Cabbage 'Golden Acre Primo III'

  13. This is such a good idea VP - remind me to do this next year!!!! Actually, perhaps we should have a big blogging seed swop next year, now theres a thought. UK blogs only though :(

  14. I have no idea why on all blogger blogs I am now coming up as An Artist&39;s its doing my head in and I am going to have to change my name

    1. Love the idea of a big blogging swop! Quite a few people have done one this year :)

      I've changed the way my Coments work because I wanted to see if the long awaited 'reply to' feature like you have on WP worked OK. I have to say I'm not happy with the way your apostrophe's appearing either. It's always bveen like that (as far as I can remember) for this comment display option and was one of the reasons why I didn't use it in the first place.

      I'm considering switching back to my old way because I don't think the reply feature is working that well :(

  15. Great idea! I won't 'bid' for any though as I already have too many of my own.

    1. Nice to see you anyway Alison - thanks for stopping by :)

  16. Hi VP, Thanks for the email. Don't know what happened to my comment. Let's hope my mastery of the vegetable plot is better than my mastery of technology! It was the onion 'Santero' and the bronze fennel I'd requested. Looking forward to spring. thanks.

    1. Thanks for taking the trouble to comment again. The Santero and fennel are yours :)

  17. Hi - I'm also pretty new to gardening and not been following your blog for long but loving it :)
    Could I have the beetroot, the pumpkin and the sweet Ingrid Pepper?

    1. Welcome Babs! You most certainly can have them - I hope they do well for you :)

  18. Hello,

    What a fabulous idea! I would adore some pumpkin and pepper seeds for my little angels to help me grow! (two young boys under 5).

    We love growing our own in our little concrete yard and our pumpkins last year got no bigger than oranges. :(

  19. Hi Claire - I can't think of a better home for the pumpkin than a place with 2 young boys under 5 :)

    Here's hoping Hundredweight lives up to its name! It and the peppers are yours.

  20. Hi - everyone's seeds (except Claire's) went out at the weekend so you should get them soon.

    Claire - I need your address so I can send you your seeds. Email me at vegplotting at gmail dot com

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Thanks VP for the seeds. They look great. Can't wait to get going and growing. May your harvest flourish this year! :)

    PS Couldn't resist sharing photo of sunrise this morning. -3 outside but very beautiful.

    1. Hi - so glad they arrived and that sunrise photo is gorgeous :)


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

For National Tree Week