From Bristol to Brum: BlogCamp Meet & Greet

Shock horror: for once I'm stepping out from the middle of my avatar - eek!

I'm off to BlogCamp again in April: to Birmingham this time and we've been asked to write a little 'hello' to everyone else who's going. It's a great idea, so here goes...

Name: Michelle aka VP on the blog

Blog: Veg Plotting is my main blog. I also have a photography blog, Sign of the Times and I started Meet at Malvern 2 years ago to get 30 garden bloggers together at Malvern Spring Show.

Twitter: @Malvernmeet if you want me chatty, @VegPlotting if you want the blog.

My Blog's About: gardening, allotments, quirkiness and Chippenham. Not necessarily in that order.

Likes: the stuff I write about on my blogs, plus films, books and I'm a subversive soprano in my local community choir.

Dislikes: Tea, *whispers* rats (!), rickety bridges and playground behaviour online.

I had a fab time at Bristol BlogCamp last year and I'm looking forward to meeting you in Birmingham in April. Oh, and save me some of that cake ;)


  1. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

    By the way, I've only just arrived and a little yellow notice says 'You have successfully unsubscribed. You will no longer receive follow-up comments.'


    I'll now press 'subscribe' and hope I do!

  2. Me too .... (Looking forward to hearing all about it)
    Nice to see "you" out of your avatar ;)

    PS I really hate the new captcha thingy on blogger it always takes me about 3 goes to find one I can read (sigh)

  3. I agree with Karen - it's good to see you out of your avatar. Such a cute picture too - you look about 13! Hopefully I'll see you before you go x

  4. Lucy - here's hoping you receive this comment. Let's see...

    Karen - thanks. I'm very peeved about the introduction of captcha. No announcement from Blogger about it & as I'm logged in when I comment, I had no idea you were seeing it. I'm going to experiment with the way commenting works - hopefully it'll be better for you without encouraging the dreaded mixed pork products in...

    Victoria - you're back! I hope you had a lovely time. Would be great to see you soon.

    BTW that photo was taken on the same day as my avatar and is just around the corner from it ;)

  5. Blog camp sounds very neat! Do you all get together and discuss tips about blogging? I'd love some too.

    Thanks for weighing in on your views with Pinterest. I don't see the comment anymore but got the email. It is a tough thing these days with blogging so I bet Blog Camp will discuss this new thing of pinning other's work.

  6. Hi Tina - we not only get together to talk about blogging, there'll be all kinds of presentations on taking better photos, vlogging and all kinds of tips and wrinkes. I went to the one in Bristol last year (I've linked to my blogpost about it on here) and the only bad thing was it was half a day. This will be a whole day :)

    I must remember to raise pinterest as a topic for discussion...

  7. Looking forward to catching up at some point during the day VP over a cup of coffee ~ I hate tea too :) Only realised that captcha had reared its ugly head when I tried to comment on another Blogger blog. Thought that I better check mine and was dismayed.

  8. Anna - dismay hardly describes it! I've raised an issue on the Blogger Help Forum about it, especially as I've seen plenty of people are removing captcha which I suspect isn't the outcome Blogger was wanting from them strengthening their spam catching.

    Looking forward to seeing you in April - there'll be quite a few garden bloggers there :)

  9. And as I know you I can vouch that you're as nice as you look!

    I might consider Blog Camp having looked at the blurb.

  10. Gosh thanks Mark :)

    NB There's a waiting list for BlogCamp - the tickets were snapped up in 6 hours. Shows there's a need for just this kind of thing


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That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

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Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

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