Work With Me

I’m looking for trustworthy partners who have a strong, relevant product or service. It also helps if I’m a regular customer of yours.

Why Work With Me?

  • I’m focused on the UK, with an international twist
  • Content is regularly added and updated
  • I'm innovative - I'm using blogging in lots of different ways
  • I have stickability – my blog is over eleven years old
  • I have a large, highly targeted audience
  • I rank well in Google and social media metrics
  • I’m highly regarded by industry professionals, peers and readers
  • My audience is growing
  • I offer a flexible and prompt service
  • My advertisers usually renew their contracts

Who Reads Veg Plotting?

Gardeners and industry professionals who are interested in gardening, allotments, seasonal food, photography, travel, greener living or life in Wiltshire. I have 2,500+ readers signed up via various subscription options, plus a further 5,000+ via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Readers return for a regular mix of personal diary, tips and quirky irreverence. So far I've written over 2,200 posts for them and I currently publish 4 or 5 posts per month. All posts are original work and my stats shows many articles have year on year interest.

The Shameless Self Promotion Bit

  • Veg Plotting was a finalist for Blog of the Year at the prestigious Garden Media Guild awards in 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2014, plus The Horticultural Channel in 2011
  • Veg Plotting attracts around 25,000 Page Views per month (Source: Google)
  • Top 10 UK Gardening blog since 2010 (source: Vuelio)
  • Top 50 World Gardening blog (source: Blogrank)
  • You may also like to check out my Press, PR and Clips page

What Options are Available?

I have the following options available:
  • Sponsored content (preferred option) – individual posts or regular subject categories. Note sponsorship covers my original content only, not advertorial or infographic content
  • Advertising – text or picture placements in the sidebar
  • Product and service reviews - these must fit with my own needs and Veg Plotting’s content. These are limited so that other content isn't diluted
  • I also write articles, content for e.g. brochures, and I also provide online content and social media services

NB all links are designated as nofollow to comply with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This ensures all clients are treated equally and my blog’s continued availability for your peace of mind.

I do not accept link exchanges to boost blog/website SEO, nor I do not accept affiliate or other click-through advertising requests, or advertorial style guest posts.

Note: I no longer run competitions or giveaways.

I'm happy to discuss your requirements and send you my Media Pack. For further information and rates contact me via the Contact form at the foot of this Page.

Note to Veg Plotting's readerssponsorship is to cover my blogging costs so I can continue to write the kind of posts you expect from me and I enjoy writing. I'm retaining my independence and honesty regarding content and reviews. Read more in my Blogging with Integrity for my reasons for doing this and my full disclosure policy.

Your essential reads

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Testing Times: Tomatoes

Salad Days: Salads for Damp Places

The Resilient Garden

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

Introducing the #mygardenrightnow project