Half way to #30DaysWild
I've tracked something every month of the year so far, from my diet through to screen time. This month it's the turn of the Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild initiative and I'm having a great time adding a bird's foot, plus a little drawing of what I've observed that day to my tracker. I also get a daily email packed with information and ideas and seeing we're half way through the month I thought it would be fun to convert some of my little pictures into a Nature Spotting Sheet as suggested a few days ago. Five of them are from my garden, two are from going to the archery field (hare and poppies), one is from the Donkey Field (Meadow crane's-bill), and one from Tuesday's day trip to Blenheim (orchid). How many of these have you spotted this month? You can construct your own spotter sheet here , or simply use the ones provided on the activities section on the Wildlife Watch website. Great fun!