Fairtrade - Chippenham Update

We're three quarters the way through Fairtrade Fortnight, so I thought it was a good time to review how Chippenham is faring with its Fairtrade status. As I suspected last year, Chippenham is indeed not a Fairtrade town yet. The first and only town with that status here in North Wiltshire is Malmesbury. However, Chippenham Town Council have announced their intention to achieve Fairtrade status and as part of the work needed to attain that goal, launched Chippenham's first Fairtrade directory last week.

Most of the directory's 16 pages is geared towards explaining what it's all about. Places in Chippenham listed as selling Fairtrade goods forms less than a double page spread and that includes outlets in some of our nearby villages. Just looking at the town's cafes, only half of them have Fairtrade options on offer like tea and coffee. I also did a quick recce round my supermarket at the weekend and could see no increase in Fairtrade goods for sale compared to last year. No wonder my shopping habits haven't changed that much, but at least now I have a handy form listing the variety of Fairtrade products available, which I can hand in to my local store to request what I'd like to see there.

Some progress then, but lots more is needed - the target date set to achieve Fairtrade status for Chippenham is by the end of this year.


  1. I love your posts, they really make me think!
    Chesterfield has just become a Fairtrade town and does pretty well for a small place.
    There are some excellent independent shops, including my very favourite - Organic Heaven. It only sells fairtrade and organic stuff - from foodstuffs to toiletries, womens necessities, body care and cleaning products. They also do fantastic locally sourced fresh food. I often (no, always!) pop in for a snack when I'm in town. Very well worth a visit if you're in the area!

  2. Thanks for that VP. I've linked your post to the Westbury Town Forum with a query to our Town Councillors about whether we shouldn't be considering this.

  3. that sounds fabulous!! good luck gettinmg your town to change it's ways. I honestly think i would be laughed at in the face if i even mentioned something like a fairtrade directory for our town ~ would there be anywhere to list??? Hey, we're northern ireland, just give us 30 years, we'll get there. hehe x

  4. looks as if your village (?) has made a decent start at fairtrade. a lot of work it is to maintain fairtrade--esp. when walmart-like stores undercut so quickly.

  5. Nutty Gnome - thank you :) Organic Heaven sounds a great place.

    Hermes - hurrah! I see you've had quite a reaction on the towm forum already - both good and bad. I can see people wanting to give our own farmers a good deal, but actually a lot of the Fairtrade goods can't be grown in this country and I'm sure people don't want to give up their tea and coffee!

    Carrie - tee hee! I always remember how quiet the roads were over there the few times I've been over!

    Petoskystone - it's a small town of 30,000 people AND we're fighting NOT to get an ASDA which is part of the Wal-Mart group!

  6. Where have the last twelve months gone VP ? I can remember your last post on this topic. I must admit that I hadn't realised it was Fairtrade Fortnight, so that probably says something for local awareness. I am going a bit further afield later in the week so will keep my eyes open. At least Chippenham seems to be taking a step in the right direction !

  7. Anna - I thought the same when I posted this! I look forward to hearing about your findings...


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