12:34:56 on 07/08/09: Attempt #1

Do you know what you were doing at 12:34:56 yesterday? Did you record it in any way? If you did, post a comment below with a link or even if you didn't, you can still tell me about it :)

For the record, I was checking my Cosmos astrosanguineus 'Choca Mocha' does indeed have a wonderful chocolate aroma as well as gorgeous velvety blooms. Thanks to Anna's tip last month, I've placed them in a warm sunny spot to encourage their scent and it's worked! This plant is a native of Mexico and likes a moist, well-drained soil. They grow about a foot tall and have a lax, almost trailing habit and so will look good threading themselves through the front of the border. If you keep deadheading them they should keep blooming from July to October. Of course my plants didn't read the label and came into flower in May, though the chocolate scent didn't come on stream until the warmer weather last week. As they're a tender plant, I'm growing them in pots this year, so I can overwinter them in my cold frame. After last winter I'm not taking any chances! I've put them by the pergola at the side entrance for now, so there's a delicious waft of chocolate as you enter the garden.

For our American cousins, yesterday's date is written as 07/08/09, which is why the time 12:34:56 yesterday was unusual for them. For us in the UK who write the month and day the other way round, we get to have another go next month. Anyone care to join me for Attempt #2? It would be great to get a snapshot of what everyone's doing at one particular time - allowing for the fact that 12:34:56 might be at a different point in relation to me, depending on where you are in the world* - on a single day. Tell all your friends about it - they might like to join in too :)

* = I thought I'd get that in before you did ;)

Update: Judging by the comments, I haven't made myself clear in the above post. As the Americans (and probably lots of others too) write the 8th July as 07/08, their sequential time and date was yesterday, which was when I took that photo as Attempt #1. BUT here in the UK we write our month and day the other way round, so don't have the sequence until 12:34:56 on the 7th August. So I'm inviting everyone to take a photo of what they're doing at 12:34:56 (their time) on that date (7th August), irrespective of where they are in the world or the format they use when writing out the date, and to post it on their blogs later that day. I'll be putting my photo up ASAP after 12:34:56 on 7th August, so my post will be there for you tell me - and others interested in having a look - your post's up. It's too late for us all to do it using the American date format, so let's use the British one instead. For me it'll be Attempt #2.

I just like the idea of trying to capture a snapshot of everyone's life at one particular arbitrary point in time. Most of it won't be gardening related and I expect a big chunk of it will involve lunch or dashing round the shops, but that'll be interesting too - to me at least. The choice of subject matter is up to you, as long as it's to do with where you are at that time.

NB If you don't want to post it on your blog but would still like to take part, then I'm happy for you to send your photo to me at the email address shown at the bottom righthand sidebar. Include a few details of where you were and what you were doing at the the time and I'll put together a collage or something.


  1. I will join you for attempt No2 VP, but as numbers confuse me no end, let me see if I have this right.

    On the 7th August, 2009 at 25 to 1pm I tell you what I am doing ... right?

    I will put it in the diary.

  2. PS - sorry meant to say I like your Cosmos astrosanguineus - mine looks totally pathetic compeared to yours and no chocy scent yet :(

  3. I was buying toothpaste and browsing round the little shops on Bellevue Road, which runs down one side of Wandsworth Common. I'd walked over there with my mother who was having her hair done, which is how I know - I kept checking my watch to make sure I hadn't lost track of time and would be back at the salon when she'd finished.

  4. Well at that precise time I was chomping into a wrap made with salmon, lettuce (from the garden of course) and tomatoes and talking to my husband. That was a great picture at the head of your post! Val

  5. I think there is some confusion do you mean 8th July or 7th August?

    If it was the 8th July I was trying to read blog posts on Blotanical whilst eating my lunch.

    Ihave a Chocolate Cosmos that I have had for several years. The first couple I dug it up and overwintered it and then I forgot so it has remained in situ for at least 3 years and so far so good. It has only just started to send up leaves this year so well behind yours.

  6. i was trying to convince grandchildren to play without yelling. 'choco mocha' is gorgeous--made my hungry!!

  7. Karen - correct-ish. What I meant is you take a photo of what you're doing at that time and post it on your blog.

    Victoria - that's exactly the kind of thing I'm hoping will get captured on the 7th August, but in photo form as well as words!

    Valeri - sounds delicious and thank you!

    PG - actually I mean both and that's why I usually write the month name in my dates when I can. As the Americans write the 8th July as 07/08, their seqential time and date was yesterday, which was when I took that photo. BUT as we in the UK write our month and date the other way round, we don't get the sequence until 12:34:56 on the 7th August. So I'm inviting everyone to take a photo of what they're doing on 12:34:56 (their time) on that date, irrespective of where they are in the world and to post it on their blogs. It's too late for us all to do it using the American date format.

    Methinks I need to update the actual post in view of what you and Karen have asked.

    Petoskystone - you spend lots of time with your grandchildren :) I hope they've stopped yelling by now!

  8. i watch my grandchildren (& a 4yrold) while thier parents are at work.

  9. Hi Petoskystone - I thought that must be the case :)

  10. This is a neat idea. I didn't take a photo at the requisite time, but I wanted to. I was driving along the railroad tracks on the way to a skateboard shop to buy a board for my daughter. On the way, at about the right time, I thought of you and Out and About, because I saw a nifty little planting of Annabelle Hydrangeas in full bloom with some Daylilies planted alongside the tracks. I didn't think a photo from my phone, shot through the car & out the window, would look good, and I couldn't get out to take a photo because it was raining. I'd like to go back and take a photo in better weather.

  11. I have no numerical memory whatsoever - I can't remember the car number plate after 5 years - but I've put your date on my calendar!

  12. That is easy, out in the garden of course, watering a bunch of transplanted and divided hostas. Wrong time, wrong season, wrong everything, but did it anyway. Then inside for chicken salad and ginger ale for lunch. I look forward to your Attempt #2.

  13. I may need a reminder being terminally and increasingly scatterbrained at the moment but I'll do my best to remember to join in! You may get a photo of my computer screen as that seems to be where I spend my life at the moment (and indeed was where I was at 12:34:56 yesterday) but I'll try to be cropping a nice flowery picture at the time if I can :D

  14. Yesterday at the time mentioned I was frantically searching for my allotment keys so I could leave and catch a bus. I eventually found them in the raised bed where I had earlier been pulling up my red onions! Just managed to catch the bus with a couple of minutes to spare. Have noted 7th August and will do my best to participate.
    P.S. Glad to hear that you are getting that choccie whiff :)

  15. Yesterday at that time I was at work thinking should I have my lunch now, when I'm not really ready for it? I didn't and then didn't get the time to eat it at all! Had it today instead. I'll put it on the calendar and try to remember to log what I'm up to. Can't promise, but will try. x

  16. I will write in my diary to take a photo on 7th Aug at that time!

    Yesterday at that time I was at a talk in Newcastle by Steve Smith the Olympic high-jump athlete, entitled 'Raising the Bar'. Very inspiring, about going for your goals. First time I've ever held an Olympic medal in my hands - it was an amazing experience!

  17. This was on the news quite a lot this past week, but when the time arrived I forgot all about it. I was probably eating my lunch while watching a TV game show--how pathethic:)

  18. Well I was at Hampton Court flower show I just checked my camera and there is a big gap between 12.07 and 12.44 which was when I got chatting to a photographer who was taking shots of Lillies, I joked about not being able to capture the perfume. I would have loved to pick his brains on my new camera but resisted the temptation then did my usual and bent his ear about Lyme Disease it turned out he had lived within 20 miles of Lyme in Conneticut. Although he was aware of Lyme Disease he clearly was not aware of the controversays. He said he wished his arthritic knee would get better like my arthritis. Raised eybrows metaphorically as that can be one of the first signs of lyme Disease. Such a charming man retired and doing photography now in UK part time.

  19. Oh sorry I thought you meant 8th july ah well I will probably be bending someone elses ear or looking at blogs or gardening.

  20. MMD - how nice of you to think of me! Perhaps you could go back and take it on August 7th if you're in the area?

    EG - see you then, it's a date ;)

    Frances - sounds like you were having a good time. See you on the 7th :)

    CG - that sounds ideal. The idea is to capture those ordinary moments, not a great event like we usually focus on

    Anna - see you then!

    Maggi - good for you, the more the merrier!

    Phoenix C - that's sounds amazing. I stood beside my Olympic hero once - Dawn Fraser just before a swimming competition :D

    Karen - hurrah!

    Rose - I suspect you're in the majority there, but we need to celebrate ordinary things too!

    Joanne - I'm constantly amazed how interconnected we are - perhaps we're all just 6 degrees away from Kevin Bacon! And yes it was 8th July...

  21. I will participate on August 7. Sounds like fun.

  22. We were escaping the rain at Laocok Abbey. I'm suffering allotment withdrawal symptoms and dealing with a lot of veg this week - just down the road in BOA.

  23. Hurried to take pictures from somewhere nice, specially for the moment. Forgot. Remembered. Ran. Put pictures in the sidebar.

  24. Becca - I hope you remembered - will be over to check soon!

    Country Gate Cally - welcome and good to see someone from not too far away :)

    3c - hurray!


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

Make Use of Mildew

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The Resilient Garden

Testing Times: Tomatoes