Some Local News For The Weekend

Regular readers know I have a certain fondness for my local paper - The Gazette & Herald - particularly when it's at its most local or eccentric. Imagine my delight to find the headline: Patrol cycles will fit the bill last week. Apparently the Chippenham Neighbourhood Policing team have been kitted out with push bikes to replace pounding the beat. They're police specification Smith & Wesson mountain bikes, which makes me wonder if they have any extra features.

I also realised I've been reading my local paper for over 20 years without spotting a classic editorial decision. Our two local MPs write weekly columns which are published either side of the Obituaries. That's the work of genius.

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Stop Press: I've a guest post over at The Garden Monkey's Book Flange. It's all about the unexpected booky treasures I found whilst in Norfolk :D


  1. The only newspaper I read is our local Bridport News (called Whip-Whop locally).

    Have a lovely weekend, we are forecast for a nice Saturday then more rain coming in!

    Best wishes Sylvia

  2. I hope the mention (s) on Esther's Boring Garden Blog is ok. (July 24th 2009). If not, I'll change (them).


    Good word verification - tiotapto! (Except without the exclamation mark.) (I put that there.) (!) E.

  3. Sylvia - I love your paper's nickname! I hope the weather clears up for Monday, I'm coming down your way!

    Esther - I loved it and I hope you like the comments I've left on there ;)

    I'm looking forward to tiotapto-ing round your garden shortly...


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