Postcard From Chester

Hello, I'm back and rather nicely refreshed after a week in a cottage just outside Chester. As you can see from the above image, Cheshire is famed for its black and white architecture. This is a scene from our walk around the town walls last Tuesday. I'll be taking you on a longer tour shortly :)

I also have a trip to Dunham Massey to show you their newly opened winter garden; a tour of Port Sunlight, an early example of a Victorian/Edwardian garden village; plus a brief sojourn in Liverpool. We enjoyed ourselves immensely and plan to return to the area for a much longer holiday at a later date.

Here's a taster to whet your appetite. You may be familiar with this Liverpudlian scene already as Anna has featured it twice as part of her posts for Out on the Streets. I recognised it immediately and couldn't resist a quick snap myself (we were running to catch the hop on hop off city bus tour at the time) just to show you it's still looking good in November and from a distance.

Anna, Happy Mouffetard, Lisa and Elizabethm - I'm sorry I didn't get in touch with you, even though I was just a few miles away from you all last week. Our trip was arranged at the last minute and because it was mine and NAH's holiday, I felt it wasn't fair on him if I was constantly galavanting off to see my blogfriends. He was getting grumpy enough at my constantly stopping to take photographs!

NB Hurrah - Blogger for once has allowed me to load more than one image into a post and make both of them clickable. Do click to enlarge either photo if you'd like a much closer look :)


  1. glad you had fun! that is an impressive ferris wheel--not that i would be getting on it willingly. hope the horrid weather is leaving you & yours alone.

  2. VP girl ! Sounds like you have a very good time even if the weather has been rather nasty .. a friend in the Shropshire region had said flooding was quite scary.
    The "wheel" is a BIG wow ! and I agree .. it would never happen with me on it .. or near it .. we are finally getting the last of the Doctor Who this December .. the Water on Mars one .. can you believe how far behind we are ?
    Makes me crazy !!!
    Joy : )

  3. Ah you beat me to it by your apology! I was all ready to cry that you must have been only a few miles away! It is a great area and loads to do. Spring is good and Bodnant is really worth seeing any time of year. We have a holiday cottage so if you come up again you must consider staying in it and then I can get to meet you! This is how I finally met Zoe of Garden Hopping and it was great.

  4. Glad you enjoyed your trip. It is amazing how the London Eye started a trend. I think the wheels make a very attractive landmark.
    I sympathise with NAH - the Digger takes a hundred pics to my one so I'm usually the one doing the moaning!

  5. A good vacation is always a tonic, how wonderful for you both. The black and white looks intriguing! My husband would certainly sympathize with DAH, I am forever making him stop so I can snap a shot. He is getting used to it now however. Sounds like lots of bloggers in the area too, you must return! :-)

  6. Good to have to back, look forward to hearing all about your hols. I am so desperate for a wee trip away!

  7. Hi VP, looking forward to seeing your post on Dunham Massey. I visited a few weeks ago and was impressed by the scale of the project, although there wasn't an awful lot to see at the time. I think it will be amazing in a few years time after the plants have matured.

  8. Welcome back.

    I am never very sure about Chester: lovely town but it is SO flat round there. Why should that matter? It shouldn't at all - perhaps I'll tae another look.

  9. Well, there's always next time :) Sorry that the weather was not better for you and NAH. The wheel has only just gone up - I could not help but notice it when I went into town in Thursday. I look forward to your post about Dunham Massey - we are planning a visit in January.

  10. Thanks for your welcome back everyone. We had a great time and were much luckier with our weather than the poor souls in Cumbria, even though we weren't that far away.

    Elizabethm - will definitely consider your cottage the next time :)

    Mark - if you think Cheshire's flat you should try Norfolk! :( At least it's not too far to Snowdonia or the Peak District from there for a really hilly fix :)

  11. VP, glad you had a great time. Sorry to miss you, but fully understandable. I'm only just starting to catch up on blogs as work has been crazy over the past few weeks. The Dunham Massey post (above) was really interesting - I haven't visited there yet, so will plan to go in the summer and then again to see the winter garden when it's grown a bit next year.
    And (how embarrassing) I've never been to Port Sunlight, despite living in Chester for 5 years and Somebeans working in Port Sunlight. I look forward to your future posts on your trip :)


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