GBMD: Happiness

The Courts, Tuesday 24th March 2015, 15:28:22 ~ a fresh view of the garden I'd hadn't noticed before
Now we're at home, NAH and I are busier than ever and it's got to the point where we have to try really hard to make time for each other.

Last Tuesday afternoon was just such a time. What made it remarkable was instead of our usual foray to the local farm shop for a cuppa NAH said:

"Let's go a bit farther, I need to get out somewhere where I can clear my head. How about that garden in Holt? They have a cafe there don't they?"

In over 31 years of marriage, NAH has never initiated a visit to a garden.

And so The Courts conspired to serve up a perfect afternoon, with sunshine and the most wonderful light. The coffee, cake and company was nigh on perfect too.


  1. How lovely. Although my husband will always accompany me to gardens he would never suggest visiting one and certainly not a cafe. I love the picture and poem

  2. Thanks Margaret :) Perhaps your husband might surprise you too - the situation you've described was the same as mine until last week ;)

  3. That is wonderful, little things like that can become great ones!

  4. Sounds perfect. And miraculous! I wonder if TNG will ever suggest a garden visit...

    1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Janet :)

  5. And *this* was my day...spent in happiness. When a phone caller had disagreeable news, I told him, "Well, the 6 year old child in me wants to throw a tantrum but the 60 year old woman says, "I don't want to spend my time unhappy."
    And so it was...a happy day.

  6. A most fine piece of musing from Walt Whitman. Himself and NAH had something in common until Tuesday :) NAH's suggestion sounds as if it was the recipe for a perfect afternoon and now that he has broken his duck there might be no stopping him :)

    1. It must have been something in the air that day Anna :)

  7. yes yes and yes! Will have to read back a little for the 'now we are at home' story.

    1. It's something I haven't written about that much Diana. We both 'retired' early 8 years ago as we have an elderly care triangle which covers 300 miles. Since then I've been lucky to start working part-time as a freelance writer, so I work from home. We're much busier than we ever were at work and that includes my daily commute!


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