
Showing posts from February, 2020

Stourhead Sudoko: The Solution

Last week I set a Sudoko puzzle with a difference, using the letters from Stourhead instead of the numbers one to nine. Here's the solution. How did you do? Did you find letters easier or more difficult than the usual Sudoko puzzle? Would you do one of these again? Other puzzles published previously on Veg Plotting : Connections   Cryptic Word Grid Garden Scramble  (the solution is here ) Garden Wordsearch  (NB no solution is given for this one as you'll know when you've found them all) Happy Families Shows of Hands special (quick ID quiz) What's in a Name? What's in a Name? Part 2

Puzzle Corner: Stourhead Suduko

This puzzle has been waiting in the wings for a while and I'm pleased to bring you a letter based Suduko using one of Wiltshire's most famous gardens, Stourhead . In this case the letters of S-t-o-u-r-h-e-a-d are used instead of the numbers one to nine and your task is to add further letters to the grid below so that each line of nine both across and down, plus each box of nine only contains one instance of each letter. The grid is based on one published in the Radio Times which had a difficulty rating of 11/20. A printer friendly version can be found here . I'll post the solution next week, though you'll know when you've cracked it! If you enjoyed this puzzle, Sue Garrett over at Green Lane Allotments has another couple for you to try. Other puzzles published previously on Veg Plotting : Connections   Cryptic Word Grid Garden Scramble  (the solution is here ) Garden Wordsearch  (NB no solution is given for this one as you'll know when y...

Wildflower Wednesday: A floral celebration in stamps

Top left to right:  Triphora trianthophoros ,  Cypripedium californicum ,  Hexalectris spicata ,  Cypripedium Reginae , and  Spiranthes odorata Bottom, left to right:  Platanthera leucophaea ,  Triphora trianthophoros ,  Platanthera grandiflora ,  Cyrtopodium polyphyllum , and  Calopogon tuberosus It's not often that my worlds of nature, gardens and stamp collecting collide, so a recent email about a forthcoming stamp issue in the USA on Friday is cause for celebration. Even better when it means I can join in Gail's Wildflower Wednesday . These are a selection of 10 from over 100 native species which grow in the wild (and in gardens) in the States. We have 52 native species here in the UK, many of which are so rare they can only be seen in a nature reserve. Thanks to Facebook friend Jacqueline Soule who double checked with David Coleman (originator of the email), I also have their confirmed names as shown above. Now to ...

Be My Valentine?

First thought: Perhaps only a gardener knows the value of a heart shaped potato for Valentine's Day 😉 Second thought: Crikey! I didn't know I was that wrinkly! 👀 Third thought: Reader, we ate it 😜

Pea super

A few days ago I was feeling rather peckish and knew this would be the worst possible time to walk to the shops and buy something for lunch; there's far too much temptation in there! My usual lunchtime options weren't available at home, so I started to think about other possibilities instead. Thankfully my store cupboard came up with the answer: frozen peas, onions, stock cubes and herbs, so it didn't take long to come up with a tasty pea soup. It took just 20 minutes to plate up the perfect antidote to a dull winter's day. Ingredients 1 litre vegetable stock (a stock cube dissolved in hot water is fine) 1 medium onion, sliced thinly 750g frozen peas (I used a bag of petit pois) Freshly ground black pepper to taste 4 heaped teaspoons dried mint (or fresh when in season) A swirl of cream, low fat creme fraiche, or natural yoghurt per bowl (optional) Method Pour the vegetable stock into a large pan and add the onion and peas Add the black pepper to ta...

Garden Bloggers' Muse Day: When the world wearies...

Words of wisdom from an 19th Century Poet, and that's where I plan to be today 😊 Have a great weekend everyone!