ABC Wednesday - M is for...


Way back in January when I was out taking pictures ready for World Wetlands Day, I spotted this rather pleasing combination by a neighbour's garden. I loved the contrast of the rich greens of the moss against the bark, berries, box and even the pavement. If you click to enlarge the picture, you can see that there are at least three species there. Just don't ask me to identify them!

Have a look at Mrs Nesbitt's Place for more pictures on the theme of M.


  1. An original and creative choice for "M" letter. I liked it! :)

    Mine is up too. You can see it just by clicking my identity. Please use the Google Translator at the right side of my webpage if you need a translation from French to English.

    Greetings from Istanbul,

  2. Moss, love it. So aging and awesome. We have lots about the garden, especially on the old stones lying around the bottom terrace.
    Compost lady will be along...did you ever check out the it's not easy being green forum? You would love it.

  3. VP,
    I'm fond of moss too. It grows between the bricks in my side yard creating a lovely design. But I didn't think of it for ABC Wednesday even though it's a good choice for M. Well, at least you thought of it!

  4. Lovely photo. The huge variety of mosses, grasses and lichens is just amazing.

  5. Like Nancy - I have an area where only moss will grow.

    Not very interesting moss though!

    I love pictures like this.

    I love examining the ground in detail.

    Similarly, I like looking up.

    There are some wonderfully interesting tops to buildings that we miss because we are usually looking straight ahead.


  6. Lovely moss. Husband spends time trying to kill it(without chemicals, usually involves digging, doesn't make much difference though!) but I like the look of it!

  7. I had some pictures of moss and didn't even think to use it. Good M post.

  8. Moss can be very decorative - in various colours. :)


  9. Nice textures. I almost photographed some moss myself.

  10. Moss for me is a little town in the east part of Norway...I have never tought of it as ...moss;)
    Petunia's ABC

  11. In Norway there is even a town called Moss!

  12. I love mosses, and lichens too, and there's a lot to like about them. They have a bigger range of green than you find in flowering plants, they grow where nothing else can thrive and they have a great variety of forms. I love the combinations of repeating natural patterns that your photo captures. My favourite moss garden is on my roof and it rolls off in lumps when the jackdaws peck bits off.


  13. I love moss, too. We have a lot on stones by the paths. I nearly posted some, but I'm glad I didn't - yours is so much more attractive.

  14. Thanks for your kind comments everyone. It's strange how I spend ages chasing moss out of my garden, off our driveway etc. etc., but seeing it elsewhere is lovely!

    I'm hopping on over to leave comments over at yours rather than replying here - see ya!

  15. Moss is a good one. haven't seen anyone else with that one.

  16. I always get lots of moss in my garden, some stays and some gets scraped away. x

  17. Moss - I have mixed feelings about it. In some spots of the garden it is most welcome but in other areas it's smothering plants and I need to do something to lessen its hold. At this time of year though I am enjoying seeing the birds make use of it for their nests.

  18. Hi Anna - I hate it in my garden but love it elesewhere e.g. damp dripping rocks in the Lake District!

  19. Oops - commented too quickyl!

    Diana - I'm glad noone else had it!

    Louise - same here, but mainly because I'm not very thorough at scraping it away!


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