Here's the Second Awards Bus

As promised yesterday, I have more Awards to tell you about and pass on. Just because these are in my second post on the subject, it doesn't mean I value them less.

I've been enjoying getting to know my fellow ABCer Suburbia over in Bristol and it comes as no surprise she's been recognised as giving 'Good Chat'. Her blog is a lively one, as are the comments she leaves over here. It's great to find that she thinks the same about me. There doesn't appear to be firm guidelines on passing this award on, so I'm going to nominate Flighty - another dear friend who always leaves great comments here, gossips away over at Flighty's Plot and encourages non-Bloggers to start blogging. I'm also nominating Joy - I get at least one cheery message a day from her over at Blotanical as well as her regular comments on here. Finally, I'm giving this to Anna in the hope it will encourage her to start blogging as soon as time permits and to thank her again for her contribution. Stand up and take a bow the three of you!

I now need to let you into a little secret. I'm actually away whilst you're reading this (which explains why I'm not getting back to you at the moment), but I'm giving the new posting facilities in Google Beta a 'destruction' (i.e. thorough) test at the moment. Hopefully, something will pop up for you to read pretty much every day until I get back. However, it also means I'm facing my first ever Blogging deadline to get stuff done and I've encountered a problem with the instructions for the You Cheer Me Up award Deborah kindly awarded me last week. So I'm sorry Deborah - I haven't forgotten about it, I have my all nominees lined up, but I've simply run out of time to get this one right. Also Suburbia and Growing Our Own, I haven't forgotten about the meme you've both tagged me with - the questions are very good, but I need some more time to mull over my reply and I'll be doing this down in sunny Dorset over the next few days.

So dear reader, just like buses coming along, it's going to take me three attempts to answer and pass on all my awards.


  1. Sunny?

    You should be so lucky!


    (In Dorset.)



    (Occasional sleet.)



    (And truly beautiful.)

    P.S - Remember Abbotsbury's Sub Tropical Gardens.

    P.P.S. - You'll need wellies.


  2. This is a new award on me, congratulations on winning it. Accolades coming from all over the place, you deserve it. x

  3. Many thanks VP for the award, the linked mention and your kind words.
    I shall obviously mention it and this entry in one of my own during next week.
    There is charming chatterbox friend who I most definitely will pass this award on to. She'll love it as much as I do.
    Thanks again, and enjoy your weekend away! xx

  4. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.
    Have been in Ireland for a weeks holiday, pop over next week and see some views from there.

  5. Not sure if these things (awards) are good or bad?!! As you say just like buses all or nothing and quite stressful too!
    Hope you have a great time and the weather is due to improve so hope you have your sun cream.

  6. Thanks for your kind words and for the award VP although I do feel a bit of an impostor ! My blog was born a few moons ago but has never really got off the ground. I am hoping to remedy that state of affairs soon and will come out of hiding :) I hope that some gentle spring sun is shining down there in Dorset and that you have a great break.

  7. Hi Esther - well, the week got better after we met didn't it? I even came home with a tan (or is it rust?) - people at choir thoight I'd been abroad!

    Louise, Flighty and Anna - the pleasure's all mine, you deserve it. It bet it goes to Daffy Flighty :)

    BMF and Frankie - thanks!

    IMAC - no problem and I'm on my way!

    Suburbia - yes, it's hard work but lots of fun too. Remember, you don't have to stick strictly to the 'rules' if it gets too much - that's the number 1 rule of blogging ;)

  8. Thanks again, and yes it was Daffy! xx


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