Pet Celebrations

Today marks the start of National Pet Month here in the UK. So what better way is there to celebrate this event than by posting a picture of Jess in the garden this week?


  1. Bless, she's lovely. I no longer have cats, and I do miss them

  2. Jess is a very dignified and beautiful poster "kid" for the cause VP .. and what happened to Skimble ??? LOL
    PS .. it is a circus over here this morning with Emma .. hyper-drive on 4 paws ..

  3. I miss having kitties. DH is not a cat person.

    That's ok though, because we have George. I even posted about him today. Maybe it's Pet Day at Blotanical!

  4. Oh, what a sweetie! Every week is national CAT week at our house, as you know...Rescue Kitty is doing okay, but the rest of the clan is still doing the eggshell walk and looking offended!

  5. Karen - thanks we think so too!

    Joy - watch out for Skimble next week...

    Garden girl - good to see you're in with today's theme! Thanks for stopping by today.

    Jodi - it's the same here. Can't wait to find out your newbie's name - has he told you yet?

  6. Thanks Louise - we think so too :)


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