Here Come the Hens!

Here's Stuart with 3 of his harem of 5 hens outside our cottage last week. Whenever they appeared - which was frequently - NAH would shout Here come the hens! As a result I've had this song on my brain ever since.

So that's where the other 2 got to. We're missing their antics this week - the hens that is, not The Sugarbabes. We're missing Stella (the smooth coated lurcher) and Pickle (the tiny terrier who thinks she's a cat) too.


  1. You are so right! I love hens. Even when they go round scratching things up. Our garden would feel empty and odd without them.

  2. pickwick of our hens has fallen by the wayside...the boys are carving a headstone as I speak :(

  3. Elizabeth - I wish we could have them here. I'm surprised at how taken NAH's been with them!

    Lu - oh no! Was it a fox? :(


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