Sunday Supplement #7

Sunday Supplement is an occasional round up of the virtual and real here at VP Gardens. I'd like it to be a weekly event just like the best bits and reviews you get in the Sunday papers, but I'm not promising ;)
Web Watch
I had an email from The Woodlands Trust this week about their Visit Woods website. This is a collaboration between themselves, the Forestry Commission, Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and The National Trust, which allows you to enter your postcode or town to find woodlands you can visit near you.

You can also add pictures, stories, rate and review any wood you visit, so the site builds into a ever richer source of information. Seeing many of our woodlands are under threat at the moment, I'm of the opinion that use it or lose it should be our motto going forward, so anything which enables us to do just that has to be a good thing.

Trending Topic

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr winter's here! Snow's everywhere (the earliest we've had since 1993) and some parts of the UK had the coldest November night on record yesterday. So here's this morning's news round up courtesy of the BBC.

Link Love
The cold snap's making life hard for our wildlife at the moment, so reacquainting myself with the RSPB's Gardening for Wildlife blog has been a very timely thing to do this week.

Blog Action

I was surprised and delighted to find Veg Plotting's amongst the 10 nominees for Walton's best gardening/shed blog on their garden shed page this week [the link's no longer available- Ed]. I'm amongst very fine company, quite a few of whom are dedicated to all things shed. Whilst the competition's not really about who has the best shed blog (it's actually for you to vote and enter a prize draw to win a garden store), I thought I'd better include a picture of mine from yesterday at the top of this post to make my blog more worthy of inclusion ;)

Don't forget, there's still time to enter my super book giveaway...

Comment of the Week: is from Janet @ Plantiliscious who said about the impending start of Out on the Streets (kick-off post due on Tuesday):

Excellent, sounds fun! Though the idea that I might find "festive public planting" to contribute round here made me smile. Though you do irony, so maybe that's my "in"!

(Word verification was "grimed", which sums up the local roundabout planting...)

Janet, here's my offering from Bristol last year and an update or anything you'd like to show us re roundabout planting would be good. You'll see the latter is a topic I return to on a regular basis if you care to have a look through previous editions of OOTS. Irony is also most welcome ;)

Keyword Search of Note: joint winners are Jingle Clogs and Marmite makes me hiccup because they both made me giggle :)

Back to Reality:

My fingers got a bit frozen yesterday when I ventured outside and the cold weather's set to continue for a few more days yet. Therefore a little light seed catalogue shopping is in order for this week methinks.

Time Out

I'm off to the Garden Media Guild Awards on Wednesday, snow willing. The link takes you to my account of what happened last year, just so you get the idea of what it's all about.

Last year I was pondering Awards, Women Pioneers and Missed Biscuitry, whilst in 2008 I answered the question Why do I Garden? Finally, in 2007 I looked at the wonders of my local newspaper ;)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay warm!


  1. man, you all are getting *stomped* with snow this time around! while in my area of new england, nary a snowflake in sight.

  2. Have voted on the shed competition page - guess who for? VP - the best by far!

  3. And I liked the old linked post about the G&H. It doesn't change much does it - thankfully!

  4. It's been fascinating to wawtch the reaction of some of your compatriots in the face of some unseasonably naughty weather. I hope everyone stays safe--we northerners here are well used to it, but it's not for everyone's liking, especially if not experienced. Have a fabulous time at the media awards!

  5. Petoskystone - I think we must have swapped weather!

    Mark - thank you :) Just looked at my G&H post - it doesn't change does it? That's why I love it ;)

    Jodi - I always imagine Canadian and American bloggers like yourself laughing your socks off at how a tiny bit of snow disrupts everything and you have to deal with feet of it!


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